Chapter 16

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After 5 years....

___Jennie's POV___

"Mommy! Mommy!" My daughter shouted and run to me.

"Hello baby how's school?" I asked her. I hugged her so tight and kissed her cheeks. She's my strength in this stressful world. 

"Mommy look I have so many stars in my hands", she excitedly show it to me. I love her smile it lightened up my day.

"Wow! Very good my Ella Jane Kim. You're so smart", I compliment her.

"Yes mommy just like you and daddy,"  She said and I just caress her hair.

"Yeah just like your dad-dy", I said stutteredly.

"Good morning," Kai entered my office. "Hello baby," he greeted my daughter.

"Hello daddy, how are you?" Kai laughed at her.

"I think I'm the one who will ask that to you young lady. How's your school?" 

"Great! I have so many stars. Look!" She said excitedly.

"So how's the deal with the LMB company?" I interrupted them.

"Still no news if they will going to approved our proposal," he said sadly. It's been a year since we give proposal to LMB Company and it's sad that they don't give us a chance. 

"How are you?" He asked me. "Any good news?"

"I still can't find her," I said and look away.

"Mommy I want to eat", Ella said so I called her nanny to take her on the cafeteria.

Yeah, a month after our wedding, I knew I was pregnant. After I give birth to Ella, I become the CEO. Grandpa has no power over me now, I get back my freedom again. Me and Kai filed a divorce afterwards but no one knows about it except the both of us. He realized that it's not love what he feels on me. We became good friends. Everyone thought all this time that we are still married. Well Ella became our treasure. Kai knows everything and I thank him about it. He supports and understands me. He became a good father to my child. It's sad that it's been 5 years since the last time I saw her. I miss her so much. I did everything to find her but still no luck. I hired so many private investigators but still useless. 'Where are you my love?' I thought.

"You know if you're made for each other. Destiny will find a way," he said and wink. Then his phone rang.

"Hello, yes speaking," He said. "Yeah, yeah, we're here at the company right now. Yes, she's with me," he said and looked at me. "It's the LMB company" he mouthed.

"Oh, what they want?" I was shocked by their sudden call.

"Yes we will cleared our schedule today for her. Thank you so much," he said then end the call. "Yes!" He shouted. "Their CEO wants to meet us", he said and hugged me. I'm so happy for him because I know he worked hard for this.

JK Company
Lobby area

A black car stops in a big company. The guard open the car door. Two woman get out the car and went directly to the entrance.

"Were from LMB Company", the woman said.

"Oh, yes ma'am. Welcome to JK Company", the guard open the door for them. The staffs welcome them but suddenly a little girl run and bump to the tall woman.

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