Chapter 5

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___Lisa's POV___

After Jennie left me, I sat on my bed. I don't know why I felt pain on what she said. Everything feels like first time for me. This feelings I have for Jen. Wanting to own all of her. Why can't I love her? What's the reason Jennie Kim? Who is the real you?

I was startled when someone knock at my door. I open it, Mark the delivery boy then greeted me. "Good morning young master, your breakfast is ready. Where should I put it?"

"Mark can you deliver it to room 16", I said but then I stop him. "oh, wait, just put it here first and buy me a bouquet of red roses then get back here in 10 mins," I ordered.

"Okay, young master," he said and left.

After a few minutes. Another knock was heard. I open the door again and Mark is smiling widely at me. He handed me the flowers. I thank him and attached the letter I wrote for Jennie.

"I'm so sorry my love, hoping for your forgiveness" - LM

"Mark can you deliver it to room 16 now, please?" I asked him.

"Yes boss", he answered politely and salute. Mark is like a friend to me, actually all my employees is like a family. Hope Jennie will forgive me. I missed her already.

___Jennie's POV___

I was resting on my bed when I heard a knock on my door. I don't feel to open it but someone keeps knocking. I open the door grumpily. A man with a bouquet of red roses is standing in front of me. He is smiling widely.

"Good morning miss", he greeted me. "This is for you", then he handed me the flowers. "...and breakfast for you", he continued. I open the door for him to settle the breakfast in the table. "Thank u miss and have a good day", he said and left.

I close the door and sniff the beautiful flowers. Then I checked the letter attached on it.

"I'm so sorry my love, hoping for your forgiveness" - LM

LM? Why the initials is so familiar? I shake my head for the thought. I know it's from Lisa. I check the breakfast she ordered for me. I smiled, she still cared for me. I don't know why but I felt guilty. I slap her but she's the one who asking for forgiveness.

I was out of my trance when I heard another knock on my door. "Jendeuk, it's me", Jisoo shouted. I open the door and Jisoo enter directly into my room.

"Oh someone has an admirer", she said teasingly. Her brows wiggling, I shake my head on her. "Is the breakfast free?", She asked suspiciously. "W-wait, Jendeuk you're blooming. Don't tell me you did it with someone?" She asked. I avert my gaze to the flowers.

She look at the flowers too and read the letter on it. "Oh, who's LM?", She just managed to asked.

"Unnie, let's eat the breakfast. I'm already hungry", I said while pouting.

"Don't me Jenduek. You left us last night and we couldn't find Lisa either. Tell me the truth Jen, what really happened last night?"

"I'm just enjoying my freedom unnie", I said and lowered my head.

"I hope you will not hurt Jennie", she said seriously. "... and you wouldn't hurt someone because of that freedom. Hope you will not regret it in the future." She said and hug me.

"I won't unnie, I promise", I said and hug her back. I love my cousin so much.

After a few minutes. All the girls were inside my room now. Irene and Nayeon massaging their forehead. The effects of alcohol, their gaze was on me now.

"What really happened last night Jen?" Irene asked me. "You disappeared last night same as the dorks' friend Lisa", they eyed me.

I took a deep breath and sighed. I can't hide anything from them.

"Girls, I'm just enjoying my freedom", I said and lowered my head. I saw the frown in all their faces.

"What do you mean in enjoying your freedom Jen?" Nayeon asked.

"Grandpa set an arrange marriage for Jennie after her vacation", Jisoo explain to them. I saw the pity on their eyes.

"You can say no, right?" Mina asked me but i shake my head. I know they feel sorry for me.

"I think that's my destiny girls for being the Kim's heir. It's sad that I can't choose whom I gonna love in the future. I know it's hard but I can manage it. It's only a marriage after all and nothing else. I will become a wife and CEO and handle our company", I said while smiling a little. I don't want them to pity me. This is my life so I will enjoy it.

They stand up and hug me. This is why I love them. They support me. They make me feel love. "We love you so much Jennie and we'll always support you no matter what. We're all here for you", they engulf me with warm hug. I love this girls. I felt my tears roll down on my checks.

___Lisa's POV___

I don't know how to faced Jennie right now. I'm still lying in my bed. I remember what we did last night. I'm so happy that I'm her first. I can't believe that no one taste a beautiful girl like her. Why can't I have you Jennie? Do you have secret to tell?

I was startled when my room opened suddenly. This dorks I know its them. "Hey, Lis how's your night with the beautiful lady?" It's Seul. I just close my eyes. I don't want to share with them what happened last night. It's heaven, very wonderful unlike the girls whom I bed before that no spark just pure lust. But last night is amazing, Jennie is amazing.

"Hey!", I flinched. Seulgi tap my shoulder.

"Nothing to share, Seulg" I said.

"What change now? Don't tell me you're whipped on that girl Manoban?" Rosé said that makes me glare at her. "You always tell us story on every girl you banged", she said again and laughed so hard.

"It's first time that the great Manoban brought a girl in her room", Jeongyeon said. "It's always vice versa", then they laughed again.

"I respect Jennie", I firmly said "..and what happened between us is only for us, no one to tell", I continued.

"Ohhh", they said in unison. "Whipped Manoban!" They said and laughed again.

I shake my head. I'm thinking what Jennie doing right now. Is she with her friends chatting with them or Is she sleeping because of tiredness. Oh my God I want to feel her again, her touch, her body on mine and I want to taste her p*ssy again. I want to fill her hole with my c*ck. 'Shit! What I'm thinking. I'm like a pervert right now' I thought. I heard them chuckled at me.

"Your day dreaming Manoban and it's creepy", Seulgi said and throw me a pillow. "You're smiling in no reason. The effect of Ms. Jennie in her", they teased me again.

"Just leave me alone guys", I said and put the pillow on my face.

"Enjoy your daydreaming Lis," I heard Rosé said and they left me alone again.

"I will make you mine Jennie no matter what", I said and sighed.

To be continued...

Thank u for the unending support you give me my avid readers. 😊💕 I will keep on update my stories 😊💕 Jenlisa is real. 😊💕 Bahala na kayo ayaw kong ma stress beh. Ok bye . 😂😜

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