Chapter 22 (M)

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Lisa's POV

"Asshole!" I said I'm still punching him. He hold my hand and pushed me. The woman is shouting at me and Kai. I glared at him. "I will kill you!" I told him.

"You know nothing!" He said and stand up. I can't believe him. He's an asshole and a fucking liar. Now I have reason to take away Jennie and Ella from him.

"Sir, madame what's happening here", we interrupted by a tall man and a security.

I'm still glaring at Kai. I'm so mad right now. How could he do this to Jennie.

"It's alright I know her. We just having a misunderstanding", Kai said and the two men nodded at him.

"We're not done yet Kai. I hope you don't regret it", I told her and left the coffee shop. I went back on my car and drove away.

___Kai's POV___

Lisa left us after the fight. I know she misunderstood me. I will talk to Jennie about it so that this issue will not going to come up in media. I don't want to ruin our plans.

"Are you okay hon?" Krystal asked me and hold my face. I nod at her. I know he wanted to asked me about Lisa.

"She's Lisa, Jennie's ex", I said and shocked was written on her face.

"She's here?" Krystal know about Lisa. I told her everything. She knows about Ella being Lisa's daughter. I love Krystal and my baby. She's pregnant and I don't want to leak our relationship yet on the public. You know how mine and Jennie's parents mind works. They will take an action if ever they will know about it. I will do anything to protect them.

"Let's go. I will call Jennie to inform her so that she will talk to Lisa", I said. We rode to my car and head to our secret house. I dialed Jennie's number. After a few rings she take the call.

"Hello Jen", I greeted her.

"Kai, Why did you call? Is there any problem?" She asked on the other line.

I hold Krystal hands. "I think we have. Lisa saw me and Krystal in a coffee shop in town and she misunderstood everything. Jen, please call her", I told her everything. She gasped.

"Oh my God Kai! Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Please Jen, I don't want this issue to leak in public. You know this will cause a big problem to both of us", I plead.

"Yes I will call her right away", she said and end the call.

"Everything will going to be okay hon", Krystal said and her words helps me.

___Jennie's POV___

I can't believe what I heard on Kai. I know I lied on Lisa about Kai's business trip in Paris. I never thought that she will see her in town. I know Lisa is so mad right now based on her reaction. Kai said that she punched him. It's all my fault. I look on Lisa's number at my phone and called it. It's ringing.

"Lisa please pick up your phone" I whispered. Then I heard a loud knocked at my door. I looked at the monitor to check who is it. "Lis..." I said and run to the front door. I open it and I saw Lisa's mad and sad face.

"Jen...", I cut her off and hug her. She hugged me back. I'm so worried about her. Then I checked her hands, it was swollen.

"What happened?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"I just want to see you", she said.

"Kai called me", I said. Shocked was written on her face right now. "Let's talk inside Lis", I told her then she nod. "Please sit down".

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