Chapter 12

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___Someone's PoV___

Kai landed at the Hawaii Airport. He decided to booked in the same hotel with Jennie. He wants to surprise her. He was now at the hotel room and arranging his things. Mr. Kim give him Jennie's room number.

He decided to rest first and by tomorrow morning he will visit Jennie in her room.

Morning came.

He woke up early and prepared himself. Then he proceed to Jennie's hotel room. He knocked and after a few minutes Jennie open the door. Shocked was written on her face. She can't believe what she saw in front of her. It's her fiancee- Kai.

"Good morning Jennie," he greeted her.

"K-kai?" She said stuttering. "What are you doing here?" She can't believe he's here.

"I'm here to escort you back in Korea", he said casually. "Miss me love?" He asked mockingly. 

She didn't realized that Lisa went out of the bathroom.

"Hey, babe who's that?" She asked referring to the man in front of her.

"N-nothing... Just someone," she said nervously.

"Oh, so I'm someone now.", He asked angrily. "I thought this was your room Ms. Kim. Did your grandpa gives me the wrong number?" Jennie was stunned after she'd heard it.

Her grandpa knows everything. Knowing what Jennie thinking right now. "Yes, your grandpa order me to follow you here"., He said grinning. He knows he won.

"Let's talk somewhere else Kai", Jennie said.

"What if I don't want to", he said casually.

Jennie didn't realized that Lisa was on her back.

"Hey babe, are you okay", Lisa asked and kissed her left cheek, not realized that someone is watching them.

Jennie was shocked at the sudden action of the pretty young woman. Lisa then frowns at the man who is looking madly at her.

"Did I interrupted something babe?", Lisa asked while holding Jennies waist. She didn't know who is this man but she felt that there's something wrong. The man is glaring at her.

"Nothing Lis, uhm.. This is Kai my friend", Jennie cleared her throat to stop the tension between the two. "... can I talk to him privately?" She asked permission to her and the later nodded. Now she has the hint who is this man.

Lisa went back inside and get dressed while the two decided to talk in the hallway.

"Like what I've told you Kai, If you want me to marry you.. you will give me a month to free myself and do what I want", Jennie said angrily.

"Jen, we agreed to give you what you wanted but what is that?" He asked pointing where Lisa is. "You are having fun with someone else! I'm your fiancee and it's a big insult on me that you are flirting with someone else!" He angrily mocked the woman.

"Do you know what I felt right now huh? I want to kill her for touching and kissing you!" He shouted at her face. Kai is very mad right now, Jennie can feel it but she faced her with a poker face.

"Kai, I still have 3 days before going home", she said seriously. "And what's between Lisa and I right now, it's not your business anymore. So choose between the two.. I will going home with you right now but no more wedding will going to happen or you will let me stay here and I will go home by myself to marry you?"

Kai couldn't believe on what her fiancee saying right now. He balled his fist. He wants to kill her woman's lover but in the end he lose. This woman knows his weakness. He loves Jennie so much that he choose to let her do what she wants.

"Ok, I let you stay here with her in 3 days but after that I will take you home with me and no more extension Jennie", he said and Jennie just nodded at him.

"And don't worry about your grandpa I will tell him that we will stay here for 3 more days", he said. "I'm watching you Jen, don't flirt on that woman in front of me". Jennie rolled her eyes at him. Nobody has a guts to order her except her woman.

"It's a deal Kai", she said. "And I don't want someone else to know our relationship until the day we get married", she warned him. The later just nod but he is actually pissed.

Jennie will be hers in  a few days from now. He will wait that perfect time to come. After the talk, Jennie went back at her room.

"You're only mine, Jennie and no one else can own you except me", he said and left.

____Lisa's POV___

I'm still waiting for Jennie, but like what others say curiosity kills a cat so I decided to listen or we say eavesdropping on their conversation. Now it makes sense. She's Jennie's fiancee and in a few days from now they're going to marry each other.

I felt pain inside my chest. How could Jennie lie to me about him. I will wait for her here to give me explanation. I decided to lay down on the bed when Jennie open the door and make her way on me.

"Hey, are you still sleepy?" She asked and I just nod at her. I still waiting on her to give me some words but she didn't say anything. I don't want to asked her because i have no right. I want her to open up it with me.

"Hey come on. I'm already hungry", she said and hold my wrist to make me stand but I'm not in the mood anymore. I feel like I'm being used by her.

"I want to sleep more", i said but then my stomach growls that makes her laugh so loud. So I stand up and left her in the room. I know she knows that something bothers me.

"Lis, can we talk?" She said and hold my wrist.

"Let's eat Jen, I know you're already hungry", I said. We still walking till we reach the elevator. I push the basement button and after a few minutes we reach the parking area and open my car.

We decided to eat outside. The ride is awkward. Silence is eating us both. No one dares to speak up. I'm not upset but she never say anything about that man and worst she lied to me. .

To be continued...

Jenlisa real couple supportive sa isa't isa. Enjoy reading TFL 😊💕 pa heart po guys. Thank u . Jenlisa forever 😊🐥🐻❤️🖤

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