Chapter 19

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____Lisa's POV____

I woke up from a bad dream. A nightmare that I don't want to experience anymore. Sweats was all over my body. I'd dream about it again. I want to scream, my tears started to fall on my cheeks.


Since the wedding of Jennie and Kai happened I've got an anxiety. Every night, I'd dream of Jennie walking away from me. She's crying and begging for me to get her from the devil's wrath but I can't move from where I stand until she fades away.

My mom and dad started to get worried of me. I can't eat and sleep well. They found the best psychiatrist for me. I thought that time I will going to lose my mind but thanks God I'd recovered from it with the help of my family and friends and to my good doctor who always giving me positive advice.

Then another news broke that Jennie was pregnant. I started to lose my faith on us again. I close the door for everyone even my parents. I started to drink and that's become my bad habit every fucking night.

My step dad decided to brought me in Switzerland where I can find peace but my mind still on the woman I love the most.

Not until I met Cris my best buddy who taught me about painting and photography. I focused on it and then it became my hobbies. This help me to lessen my worries and my thoughts of Jennie.

We travel in every country to captured every beautiful sceneries. After a year I open up my own gallery, where all the best paintings and photography of mine and others well known artists got exhibit.

This became my therapy. Then after a year dad sent me to Harvard to pursue my business management course where I graduated with flying colors and after that I build my first company collaborated with my dad.

End of flashback)

After a long ago, I can't believe those nightmares will come back since I saw her. Why now?

I checked my phone and its already 5am. I stood up and went directly to the bathroom and take a bath. When I get back on my bed my phone chime. It got a message from Alice. I think it's the email from the JK Company. Then another message from unknown number and I open it.

Unknown: Good morning. Hope you have a good day. I already sent the email to your secretary. Just checked it.

Oh, I can't believe my eyes. I know it's her. I'm excited to reply on her message.

Me: Good morning to you too. Looking forward to it. Thank u Jen. 😊

Unknown: I thought you will just ignore my message Lis. Thank u. Hope to see you today.

Me: Me too. Tc 😊

After I message her, I checked my email and Alice already sent it to me. Alice also sent my today's appointments.

I will going to meet Jennie today for the arrangement of the contract and the other plans. I don't know if it's ok for Kai especially that Jennie's my ex.

___Fast forward___

Before I went to JK Company, I decided to stop by at the near coffee shop to order breakfast. Hope that Jennie didn't eat her breakfast even I know it's already 7 in the morning.

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