Chapter 10

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____Jennie's POV___

After a long ride from the airport, we already arrived at the hotel, I decided to go back on my room and take a rest. I went directly on my bed and take a nap because I'm so tired.

I don't know how long I've been sleeping when I heard a loud knock at my door. It's already dark outside. I stood up and open the door. It's the same bellboy who gave me flowers and breakfast. He is standing in front of me and holding a bag and a bouquet of red roses. He's smiling like a creep.

"Good evening Ms. Kim, someone wanted to give this for you", then he handed it to me. I accept it and close the door. I check the letter on the bouquet.

"For my beautiful beloved. Hope you liked it." - LM

Then I smiled by the thought. Lisa is so romantic in her own way. I check the bag and there's another letter then I read it.

"Wear it baby and dine with me in 7pm" 😉❤️ - LM.

I check the dress. It's a black long dress with a slit on the side. It's so beautiful, I hope that it will suit on my body. I look at the time and it's already 6pm so I take a bath and do my make up. I check my look in the mirror for the last time. The dress is so glamorous that it hugs perfectly on my body. It was like someone made this just for me. I went out the room and then I saw Seulgi waiting at the elevator.

"Thanks God, you're done", she said while pouting. She's so cute but Lisa is cuter. God, what I am thinking. I shake my head.

"Why are you here, Seul? Are you my date for tonight", I smiled and teased her.

"Nope, but this someone is so annoying that she threat me to be her servant for tonight", she said and we laughed. She guided me to the elevator. She pushed the button to the lobby. Then we went out until we reach the shoreline.

"So Jen, I think I can't accompany you there", she said and pointed the light not far from us. "Just follow the heart bulb and you will see the surprise" she said and smiled. I thank her and she bid her goodbye.

I followed every heart bulb until I reach the elegant table with a beautiful design and yummy foods. There's Lisa smiling, waiting for me while holding a bouquet of roses. She's so handsome in her outfit, a black lady tuxedo. I was mesmerized by her surprised dinner. There's also a group of musician beside her.

The atmosphere is so very romantic. I can't hide the blush on my face. Then she give me the flowers. I smiled and thank her. She move the chair and motion me to sit down. What a gentlewoman I have here.

I love the place, you can see the moon and stars. The music is so calm and romantic that suits to the calmness of the sea. You can hear the waves that creates a cool vibes. The fresh air takes away stress. I faced Lisa who is now smiling wide at me.

"So.. Ms. you're the real culprit here huh", I teased her and smirked. She laughed so hard and shake her head. "I think someone with handsome and pretty face set this romantic dinner date", I said teasingly them Lisa giggles.

"You're so beautiful in your dress right now, Ms. Kim that I can't take away my eyes off you", she said. I think I'm blushing mess right now that I lowered my head so she can't see it. "Oh my god, you're blushing baby", she teased me. I can't with this woman.

"Don't be so high on yourself Ms. Manoban", I said. You're not bad also, Lis", I reciprocate. "Tsk, tsk, stop with the teasing, so what is this dinner date thingy about?" I asked her.

She clears her throat. "Okay, Ms. serious-type pretty woman", she quoted. I sighed she's always a tease. "Actually, I think we didn't introduced ourselves properly so I set a dinner date so that we will know each other more and... ", She paused and look intently at me. "...I want to pursue you... I mean I want to know you more and if luck is on me I will make you my girl", she said that makes me happy.

Lisa never disappoint me. She is a woman full of surprise. You don't know what's running inside her head. "I'm serious Jen", she said and hold my hands who is now trembling because of nervousness.

This whole thing is new to me -this romantic dinner date and the court thing. Lisa gives all the first time to me - first kiss, sex, dinner date and first time someone bend my straight heart. I want to experience all my first time with Lisa and be with her in the future but reality again hits me. The smile suddenly change into sadness.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked me with full of concern. "Don't worry okay, let's enjoy this night and all the other nights and day of your vacation here", she said and kiss my knuckles. She's so sweet that I want to melt right now.

After a few minutes. The server deliver our dinner and wine. Lisa and I talked about our life, work and about our travels. I learned that she's an adventurer. She loves nature and she loves the moon the most. She's also have her own business but she never said what it is. I don't mind to asked 'coz I respect her for that.

After the dinner, she invited me to dance on the music. She held my hand and she put it on her nape while hers on my waist. We dance slowly, that I can feel her breath on my neck. I felt shivered, I think I can't breath on how close we are. My heart beats so fast that I can't hear the music anymore. I don't know if Lisa hears it. But I don't care as long as I know that I'm with her. She hugs me so tight.

"I love your smell my loved. It makes me mad and it turns me on", she said then she kiss my neck. I was taken aback and slap her shoulder that makes her giggle. "Just kidding, Jen", she said and laugh again.

Then she kissed my forehead and I look at her. She then lowered her head and then we kissed. We savoured the moment with the sound of the waves and the violins. The kiss is full of passion and not lust. Then we cut the kiss and look into each other eyes.

"I love you Jennie", Lisa whispered and kiss my forehead again. We hug each other so tight.

To be continued....

Happy Jenlisa day everyone! 💕😊

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