Chapter 31.

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___Lisa's POV___

It's been a week now that I spent my time with my family - Jennie and Ella. We are now in Hawaii to have a family vacation. Now that Jennie is my fiancee, I will do everything to make her happy.

We decided to bring Ella to the place where we first met. My resort staffs welcome us at the airport. We flew using my private plane.

"Welcome back to Hawaii Boss L and Ms. Kim!" They said in unison and put a leis or flower garland on our neck. I know Ella was so excited to spent her vacation here.

Jennie still didn't know that I owned this whole resort but I already planned to tell it to her. Even the mansion in private island where we spent the night of our island hopping with our friends it was our family owned.

I just keep it as a secret that time coz I want to be lowkey to everyone. And that time my parents owned it but now they give it all to me.

My resort staffs get our baggages in the car trunk and put it on my private room.

"This place has changed so much," Jennie said and roamed her eyes on the resort.

"Nope, it's still the same," I said. "It's just been a long time since you left." I told her and smiled. I remembered how this place became loomy and sad when she left me 5 years ago. "But you're back now with my Ella," I said and pulled her hand and kissed the back of it.

"This place is meaningless without you Jen," I said and then I pecked her lips. Then my staffs guided us on our room.

When we entered our room. We settled our things and Ella was amazed on the view outside coz here you can see the beautiful beach and the sunset.

"I loved it here Dada!" Ella exclaimed and jumped on our bed.

"Ella baby, please don't jumped," Jennie scolded our daughter. She's so excited to explore this place. I'm so happy that I'm with them right now. I smiled by the thought of it.

Even now I can't still believed that I will experience this - a life with my wife and daughter. But I can say miracles do come true and God makes impossible things to possible.

I get my daughter on the bed and lift her. "Baby please don't jumped," I said. "...mommy will get mad on us. You don't want mommy get mad right?" I whispered and she giggled and shake her head.

Jennie look at us and glared. "What did you tell to your daughter Manoban?" She asked and look on us like we betrayed her.

I put back Ella on our bed and settled beside her and kissed her cheeks. She was taken aback on what I did. I smiled at her. Then Ella wrapped her arms on our neck and pecked our cheeks too. "I love both of you mommy and dada!" She said and we hugged each other.

After a long day, Ella fall asleep. I know she was tired. I settled beside her. Jennie is still in the bathroom. We decided to eat our dinner in the room coz we have a jetlag.

(Warning ⚠️🔞
Matured scenes ahead that not suitable for young readers. Just skip if your uncomfortable)

A few minutes later I heard a knock on our door. I open it and I was welcome by a smiled of one of my staff. She delivered the food I asked. Then she put it on our table.

"Thank you so much," I said and she nod and left me. Then Jennie went out the bathroom with a towel only. I looked at her from head to toe. She smirked when she saw me checking her out. Such a tease, her wet hair and her flawless legs. I wet my lips and blink a few times when I heard my stomach growls. I heard Jennie laughed at me. I pouted at her.

"Don't pout like that daddy you looked like a duck," she said in her teasing voice. I turned on more because of what she called me.

"Don't be a tease mommy if you don't want you'll be the one I will going to eat," I said that made her shocked. I laughed on her reactions.

"Ella is here!" She whispered but I pulled her and settled her on the chair facing back our daughter. I'm on my knee and facing her yummy pussy. "I think I will going to eat my dessert first," I said and smirked. "O, you're so wet for me mommy," I said then I licked her pussy. I heard her gasps and closed her eyes.

Then I started to suck and eat her delicious pussy. She hold my hair. I slid my two fingers on her hole and I licked her clit. That makes her moan more. "Don't be so loud mommy, our baby is sleeping," I said and smiled at her. She glared at me but I don't care. I know she's cumming.

"Lisa pl-please ahhh. Ahhhh..ahhh," she said while keeping her moan in a soft tone. "Ahhhh shhhiitt... Make it fast love..ahhhh...," then after a few more trust of my fingers she cums. I licked her yummy juices.

"I love it," I said and she looked at me in a loving way. I stand up and looked at her. I will prepare our foods so dress up now love. I will wait for you here. Then she nod and make her way on her drawer.

She changed on her pj's and make her way to the table. We eat our dinner then after that we settled on the balcony and drink our wine. We looked at the beach and the moon.

"I miss this love. Looking this scenario with you," I told her. She leaned her head on my neck. I feel her warmed body against mine.

I can't feel the cold breeze of the air because of it. The warmth of her body still lingers on my skin and I'm craving of it since five years ago. I kissed her forehead.

"I love you Jennie and I will never tired of saying it again and again," I whispered.

I didn't notice that my tears are rolling down on my cheeks. I'll never thought that after all those years of sorrow, I will feel happiness with Jennie and my daughter again.

To be continued...

Namiss ko kayo guys sobra. Pero mas na miss ko ang ayuda ng parents natin 😭😁🖤💙 Jenlisa is real. Jennie.mingus knows it 🤭🌈😎 Iykyk 🐻🐥

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