Chapter 18

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___Jennie's POV___

I'm in my office right now. I still can't believe my eyes when I saw her. My heart beat so fast. I was excited because I can worked with her now. She's the LMB CEO but why she didn't accept our business proposal a year ago. Why now? My thoughts was interrupted by a call. I furrowed my eyebrow when someone called me. It's a number only but I decided to answer it.

"Good evening CEO Kim, this is Alice, Ms. Bruschweiler secretary from LMB company", she introduced herself. "Ms. Bruschweiler wants to have a copy of your business transaction from 5 years. She wants to check it", she said.

"Ok, I will call my secretary to transfer the files to your email Alice", I said. "Uhm, Alice can I asked a favor... Can you give me your CEO's personal number. I have something important to tell her", I hesitantly asked her. Hope she will give it to me. "It's o-okay if you're...", I was cut off by her.

"It's okay CEO Kim, I will send it to you later", she said. "Thank you for your time".

"Thank you Alice, I owe you this", I said and the call ended. After a few minutes, Alice send me Lisa's personal number. I just stare at her number. I don't know but I want to call her or message her but I can't. I'm still can't process everything.

I decided to go home now. I know Ella is waiting for me. I want to have dinner with her. It's already 7pm, I called her nanny, she said that Ella is waiting for me.

I'm heading to the living room when suddenly Ella run and jumped into me. "Mommy! I'm waiting for you. I'm already hungry!" She said and pout. I laughed at her cuteness. She looks like her so much when she do that.

I called the maids to prepare our food so that we can eat our dinner. I watch her while munching her food. She reminds me of someone so much. The way she smiles, no doubt.


After the wedding celebration, Kai is so drunk. Jisoo and the others decided to put her in our hotel room. I asked Jisoo that I will sleep with her and the girls. We decided to sleep in one room.

That night I cried so hard knowing Lisa left the country. Jisoo told me that she and her friends decided to give up. I know I did the wrong decision. I regret that I didn't fight for us and that I give up easily.

I give that letter to Rosé 'coz I can't face her. I'm hoping she will forgive me. I love her so much. My girls embraced me and makes me calm. I feel exhausted. I ran to the bathroom when I felt something bad at my stomach. I started to throw up then they followed me and soothe my back.

"Are you okay Jen?" They asked me and I nod. They looked at me intently. I can see the sadness in their eyes I know they're sorry  for me. I wash my face and get back in the bed. I felt something wrong. My body aches and I'm not feeling well. I stand up, I saw the concern in their eyes. I smiled at them then everything went black.

I woke up when the light hit my eyes. All I can see is all white. I roam my eyes and I saw my friends beside me. They smiled at me. "Thanks God Jen, you're already awake. How do you feel?" Jisoo asked me.

"I'm fine unnie", I said. Then they called the doctor.

"Mrs. Kim, don't stress yourself or else the baby will be harmed. You're lucky that she's brave that she still with you", the doctor said. I was taken aback of what she said. "you must eat healthy foods and start to drink vitamins in order for the baby to be healthy", she said again.

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