Chapter 49: Curiosity

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July 9th, 1883

It was midday the next day by the time Linus was able to procure a home, able to find a rather modest house in Hogsmeade. It was pleasant enough, if not much smaller than what he was used to. It would be adequate for his time here, though.

He was putting clothes in his closet, hanging up the last garment before tentatively reaching out and touching the silk between his fingers. He let out a long wistful sigh, before jumping with a yelp of alarm at the knocking at the front door.

He closed the closet and spun around to block it, panicked for a moment before he realized it was someone from outside.

"Calm down, idiot." He sighed in dismay at himself, running a hand through his hair to gather his thoughts while taking deep breaths.

He closed the door to his room, before straightening his suit as he walked to the front door. He wasn't used to opening the door on his own, usually he had his butler do so but it seemed rather pretentious to bring a butler to Hogsmeade.

He opened the door was was greeted by a woman in black and gold auror robes. He recognized them immediately- an auror. He had expected to see her soon, but what he didn't expect was how striking she was. She was rather beautiful, with dark brown skin and soft curls that framed her face. The girl in the train had been rather pretty as well, the stark opposite with pale skin and red hair.

"Good afternoon." He said, realizing he'd taken a bit longer to greet her. "You must be the auror Anne told me about."

"Natsai Onai." She smiled, nodding her head in greeting. "It's good to meet you. I was told you have information about the Right Hand and what they may be up to?"

"Linus Drisa." He said, nodding back. "Yes, please come in Miss Onai." He said, stepping aside to motion her in politely.

"Please, just Natsai." She smiled as she walked past him.

"Alright." He said a bit awkwardly. That was rather informal for someone who worked for the Ministry.

He led her over to the couch in the foyer, sitting in a chair across from her. He sat rather formally in a stiff position until he remembered she wanted to be more informal and relaxed a bit.

"So, Sebastian told me you worked with the Gaunts temporarily? But didn't know much about their reputation?" Natsai asked in a casual tone, but he could tell from the calculating look in her dark eyes that it was not a casual question.

"You must understand, I have lived a rather..." oh Merlin, how did he explain this? "Sheltered life." He finished. "Most of what I know of the world is through books, or newspapers."

Natsai raised a brow curiously. "You haven't been out much? Surely you went to Hogwarts, right?"

Linus shifted anxiously in his seat. "Yes."

Natsai hummed thoughtfully. She didn't recognize him at all, but then again he looked a bit older. "Well, the Gaunts have a rather infamous reputation. I'm a bit concerned you were working with them. They're known for using dark magic."

Linus held up his hands defensively. "No dark magic for me. In fact, I put that as a clause in my contract, which Marvolo Gaunt so graciously broke so I could safely leave their employment."

Natsai hummed thoughtfully, a little sly smile coming across her face. "You told the Gaunts if they used dark magic you would leave their employment?"

"Article 2, subsection A of my contract with the Gaunt family was that any proximity or involvement with dark magic would result in nullification of said contract and termination of employment." Linus said matter of factly.

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