Chapter 65: Dirty Talk

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July 20th, 1893

(25 days until the wedding)

Diane woke up with a soft moan as light shone into the room, smiling as she felt a hand run gently along her waist from one side, another hand gently running along her breasts from the other. What a wonderful way to wake up, she did so love lazy days like this.

"Good morning, flower." Sebastian said in a voice husky from sleep, and when she turned to look at him he was smiling to her with warm, dark eyes.

"Good morning." She said softly, then turned toward Ominis, who still had his eyes closed but was smiling gently against the pillow as he ran his hand along her skin.

She loved them both so much, and it was inching ever closer to the wedding... which also meant it was inching ever closer to when she wanted to start a family with them. The timing was almost perfect, but the best time to start was the week before... but who was really counting when it was that close?

"I... I think I may give Poppy the rest of the potions we have next week." She said softly, and tensed a bit when both hands went still against her.

"W-what?" Ominis sat up, his eyes now open in his shock.

"Does that mean no more sex until the wedding after that?" Sebastian pouted unhappily.

"I didn't say that." Diane blushed. "It's just... well, the best time for that month is... is right before the wedding, and..." she felt flustered talking about it, biting her lip as anticipation filled her.

"Best time..." Sebastian frowned for a moment before he sat up too, his eyes wide before he looked down to her. "Seriously?" He asked in a small voice.

Diane felt her blush grow deeper, looking up at Sebatian with a flustered look. "I already said I wanted to get started, why is it so surprising?"

"Because... it's... next week, sweetheart. Before, it felt like a while from now." Ominis said in a shaky voice, running a hand through his hair. "Merlin." He whispered.

"You... still want it, right?" She looked up to Ominis and then Sebastian in worry from their reactions.

"Of course I do." Ominis said emphatically.

"The timing is your decision, flower." Sebastian smiled down to her with that heart melting look he had. "I'm just looking forward to seeing Ominis going wild on you. He's been holding back lately."

"No I haven't." Ominis muttered softly with a blush.

"Don't lie, Ominis." Sebastian gave him a smug look. "You love the idea of filling our flower and giving her a baby. You really love it."

Ominis' blush deepened, but Diane noticed the way his eyes turned warm and hooded with Sebastian's words. Oh. He was right.

"And here I thought Sebastian would be the one to go wild at the thought of that." Diane giggled softly, glancing over to him.

"Oh, I do." Sebastian growled, his hand sliding down her belly to slip between her legs and slicked through her folds gently. "I can't fucking wait to fill you with my cum again and again until we're sure it's taken. But this is Ominis' turn... and I get to have all the fun watching. Besides..." his grin turned mischievous. "That means I can cum all over you."

"Sebastian!" Ominis blushed at the thought, but admittedly that was extremely erotic.

"Oh come now, Ominis... I can't cum inside her, after all. Not when you're trying." Sebastian looked back down to her with a wry smile as his hand continued to tease her.

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