Chapter 25: A Dark Past

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Poppy smiled as she walked into the antique shop, spotting Dan reading behind the counter intently, glancing up when the bell at the door rang to signal someone entering.

She felt her heart skip when his eyes lit up at the sight of her, and she giggled when he quickly put his book down and walked around the counter to greet her with a gentle hug.

"Hey Pop, what's the special visit for?" He asked softly, smiling warmly down to her.

She blushed at the warm look, because he'd been much more flirty after their moment from the niffler den. She rather liked that though, especially because he was so touchy, now. She normally didn't like people touching her, but... Dan was the exception. She really loved his touch.

"I wondered if you wanted to go out tonight? I already talked with Diane and she said she and the boys would be willing to watch the kids." She said softly, adjusting his tie a bit because it was crooked.

Dan blushed at the thought and smiled warmly, "So soon? Didn't get enough last time, huh?" He said softly, reaching up to run a finger along her cheek gently.

Poppy blushed brightly and scoffed a bit, pretending she was annoyed by the suggestion.

He knew better though. The sly smile on his face said as much, and it only made her more flustered than ever.

He leaned down, glancing toward the window to make sure no one was watching before his finger gently tipped her chin up so she was looking at him as he brought his mouth near hers. "And what creature is my lovely conservationist showing me tonight?" He said softly.

Poppy felt her knees go a bit weak at the way he said that, the warm husky sound of his voice just going straight to her core. Merlin.

"I thought we'd see something a bit more spooky today." She said softly, reaching up to run her hand through his hair gently.

"Spooky?" He asked with a bemused smile.

"Most people misunderstand them, but I have a feeling you won't." She said softly, looking up to him warmly. He never seemed to judge creatures before he met them, and she really loved that about him. He was so accepting, so curious and understanding with creatures even though they were so completely foreign to him.

"What are they called?" He asked gently with a sweet smile.

"Thestrals." She smiled up to him.


Dan looked around the swamp a bit dubiously, not used to being in such a place. It certainly smelled rank, and he was very glad Poppy had suggested he not wear his good boots as his feet sank into the watery ground.

He looked up as a bird screeched from overhead, flying past them toward the deeper part of the swamp. It was an eery place, dank and damp with so little sound apart from chirping bugs and rustling reeds.

"Here we are." Poppy said softly, crouching behind a dead bush with him, pointing ahead.

He looked over and his eyes widened at the sight of the creatures, bony and frail looking with long necks and sharp curved beaks. Their webbed wings flapped as they kicked their front legs at each other in play with loud raspy screeches.

"Those are thestrals?" He said in shock.

Poppy looked over to him in alarm with wide eyes. "You can see them?" She said in shock.

He looked at her in confusion at the question. "Of course I can. You can't?"

Poppy shook her head gently. "Only those who have seen and understand death can see them." She said quietly.

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