Chapter 31: Hatching a Plan

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(June 20th, 1893)

(Would you guys want me to start putting dates at the top of the chapters like this to keep track of time, as we start to do some time skips here and there?)


Dan felt dizzy as they apparated into the back room of the house, groaning a bit as he gave a little look of frustration to Poppy. "What's the rush?"

"Connor didn't wake up." Poppy said softly, a small frown on her face. "I... didn't want to make it worse by doting on you in front of William."

Dan's expression softened in realization that she had left for that reason, sighing and nodding. "I think I need to sit down or something." He groaned, holding his head as it ached.

"I'll tell the kids what happened, and that you'll be alright." Poppy helped him over to his bed in the back room, letting him lay down and smiling as he sighed in relief when he relaxed. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore... aching... like my whole body feels heavy." He mumbled. "Whatever they had in that dart really packed a punch."

"It's called Draught of living death. It makes you go into a death like state where you're asleep and no one can wake you." She said, running her hand through his hair soothingly. "I'm just glad you're back." She said in a softer tone.

He looked up to her at the change in tone, smiling softly. "You missed me?"

"Very much." She said softly, leaning down to kiss him gently before leaning back again. "Do you want a book to read? Any pillows?"

"Oh, you're going to take care of me, now?" Dan grinned.

"Of course." Poppy said with a soft smile and a blush. "I'm always going to take care of you."

Dan looked at her in surprise at that, his eyes widening. That had been a very long term statement. "Pop-"

"Sssh. Later." She said, putting a finger to his lips for him to stay silent for now. "For now, just relax and try to recover. I'll take care of everything else until you feel better."

His gaze softened more, and he reached a hand up shakily to brush against her cheek. "Thanks, Poppy." He said in a warm, soft voice.

She smiled against his hand and turned her head to kiss his hand lovingly. "Any time. You'd do the same for me."

"I would." He said softly.

She blushed happily that he had confirmed it, looking down to him with warm, dark eyes. "I'd better get going or we'll sit here and flirt all night." She chuckled.

"Aw, but flirting with you is so fun." Dan grinned wryly, letting his hand fall back down by his side again.

She giggled and brought over a book for him to read and relax with, kissing him again on the forehead. "Rest and feel better. I'll go make dinner."

Dan blushed again, because this felt... rather domestic. He'd never really had anyone else helping him take care of a household before. It felt rather good to trust someone enough to be able to rely on them.

"Alright, let me know if they're too much, okay?" He said, knowing how rowdy they could get.

Poppy chuckled softly and smiled back to him. "Don't worry, Dan. I can handle it."


The next day Diane looked down to William in concern, still holding a meat pie in her hand as her heart twisted. "Please, Will. You have to eat something. You haven't eaten since yesterday."

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