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a small sigh escaped el's lips, eyes sagging as she slowly folded the laundry scattered over the couch.

with the sweater hanging off her shoulder, her brown hair up in a messy bun, she let out a small yawn and finished the last off that category.

"muma, i help!" her almost three year old chirped, jumping on the couch with her favourite alien onesie on.

el began to smile, tired but smiled. her daughter didn't seem to notice but only laughed at how her mother smiled at her.

"you can hand me the next one to fold," el said quietly, her voice barely over a whisper though it was just them in the house.

she was tired but no one ever knew.

her daughter handed the next onesie to el and she began to fold it and put it aside.

"muma, i'm hungry," novah crawled over the laundry and landed in el's lap with a huff.

her daughter was shy, quiet. just like her. but when she was around people she loved, she was full of joy and excitement.

el looked up at the clock.

time for dinner soon and he's still not home. per usual.

"we can start dinner," she brought the toddler to her hip and carried her to the kitchen. "mommy made us pasta tonight," she placed novah in her high chair and opened the fridge.

she heated up some milk for her daughter first, stifling a yawn before she handed the cup over. "food will be ready soon, baby,"

novah nodded with her mouth around the cup, turning her head to stare at the door. "where is buba? daddy come home?"

"i don't know..." el whispered, waiting for the stove to heat up as she twisted the small wedding ring around her ring finger. "maybe he will," she tried her best to give a assuring smile to her daughter but she was too young to see more to it.

so with wide innocent eyes, she nodded, waiting for the door to open and for dinner to be prepared.

it didn't take long for her to make dinner. it was pretty simple on a daily basis.

she gave some to novah on a small tray, adding some fruits and a dessert before she moved the high chair to the head of the dining table, sitting at the seat next to it instead.

it was just them in the large house. a house more like a mansion away from the city.

though close, but far.

it was lonely at times, especially for el.

novah had her fun running outside, playing in the pool and collecting stray animals outside since their backyard extended into a forest afar.

her favourite now was to collect stray bunnies.

"muma, full," novah whined once she was done, rubbing her stomach with a small giggle as el pushed away the plate she barely touched.

she just wasn't hungry.


"that's okay, my explorer," el lifted her out of her chair. "let's get you ready for bed then,"

her daughter began to pout, eyes softening as her brows dipped into a frown. "but what about daddy?"

"he will be home soon, i'll tell him to come find you when he does," el murmured and a pout made it to novah's lips.

"but... but..." her bottom lip quivered. "that's what you said last time,"

it's not my fault, novah.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now