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mike got his driver to drive el to their counselling session whilst he drove himself from his office.

their session was at noon, right at his lunch time so he hoped he could make it back to the office afterwards.

when he arrived, el was already sat inside on one of the seats, her legs bouncing up and down nervously as she bit on her lip, looking down at the survey on her lap.

she's done one before. right before she started her therapy sessions with bessy and she hoped she didn't need to do one again but since it's a new clinic with a new therapist, she was told to.

bessy told her that her information was referred and her wishes of her prescriptions being a secret from mike still stood.

but she hated how she had to do this survey again.

she hated how she had to be so honest on paper, where they could read over her answers at anytime.

have you had thoughts of self-harm?

bessy told her they asked question like these to figure out what issues to deal with first but it's not like this was a personal therapy session.

this was a couple counselling session!

her hands wavered over the scale box, wondering what to put.

would the therapist parade her with questions if she answered honestly? would mike find out? what would happen?

bessy already assured her on this matter but she was still nervous.

her eyes glanced over to the exit of the clinic and for a second, just one second, she wanted to bolt.

but she made a promise to mike.

who was currently sat next to her after retrieving his clipboard and survey.

she looked over at him just as he did the same and then he smiled. "how's novah?" he asked her gently as she clicked the pen. "her fever went down, but not her runny nose. max didn't mind watching her,"

"that's good." he watched her stand and hand the survey to the receptionist before sitting back down.

she didn't know how to respond next, just glanced at him and waited till he was done and handed it in.

"do you want to go to lunch after?" he asked and she looked down to her lap. "i'll see,"

just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, the door opened and a man stood there with a wide smile. "mr and mrs wheeler?"

el stood as did mike who gave a nod. "you can call me el,"

"mike," he said as el grabbed her bag and walked in the room, mike trailing behind her quickly as the man observed them.

he shut the door and motioned to the couch. "have a seat,"

el and mike sat on opposite ends, el hugging her bag close on her lap as she waited nervously for the session to start.

"i'm dr banner. you could call me ivan if you prefer."

they both gave a nod and ivan picked up his notebook, observing them for a second before writing something down. "why don't you two tell me a little bit about yourselves?"

mike looked over to el and gave a nod, a nod that said you go first.

she bit down on her bottom lip, thinking about what she should say. "i'm el... i'm 21 and..." she looked up. "what am i supposed to say? there's not much about me,"

ivan dropped down a few notes. "that's okay, el. do you have an occupation?"

her head shook slowly. "no... i stay home and take care of my daughter— well, our daughter." she muttered and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear awkwardly.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now