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el paced by the front door, her heels tapping agaisnt the marble floors as she bit down on her nails.

it was the night of the charity dinner and she was petrified. she and mike hasn't spoken much since their last fight and the last thing she wanted to do was pretend in front of his associates.

but she would do it. to cover her feelings of guilt, she would do it.

"look at the princess," mike bent to the side to hold novah's hand whilst she tried to keep up with his steps.

she looked so small when she stood next to mike.

el gasped, pressing her hands to her mouth. "oh, baby! you look so beautiful!" she reached out as novah jumped down from the last step and ran to her.

"mommy!" she exclaimed as el picked her up and held her to the sky before holding her close. "hi, sweet baby. you are so beautiful," she whispered. "did daddy do your hair?"

novah nodded over and over again and looked over at mike. "daddy try,"

mike narrowed his gaze playfully and went to tickle her. "and it was amazing, wasn't it?"

novah hummed playfully, playing with her braid as mike gasped. "novah bear!"

she let out a fit of giggles. "it's so good, baba!"

mike gave a smile and then turned to el before murmuring. "you look stunning, iris,"

she blinked, trapped in a daze from the nickname. "thank you,"

her dress had spaghetti straps and it was long enough to reach the floor. she had on a pair of thin heels and because her arms would be on display, she paired her dress with a cropped, white fur coat.

her hair was up in a high ponytail with her ends slightly curled.

he smiled and she looked at him up and down at his new suit. "you match us,"

"i know," he walked a few steps to the side to grab novah's small white duffel bag where el had packed some napkins, clothes and toys just in case.

"ready to go, alien?" el asked, pushing the strap of her purse higher onto her shoulder so it wouldn't fall.

mike checked his rolex and gave a nod. "my driver should be here,"

el placed a hand against novah's back and kissed her cheek. "there's no need to be nervous later, baby. if it is ever too much, mommy is right here."

mike nodded in agreement. "it's just going to be daddy's friends. there's nothing to worry about,"

novah gave a slim nod. "okay,"

el pressed kisses to her cheeks as mike opened the front door for them, leading to the black SUV parked in their round driveway.

he opened the door for them and el entered, smiling at the car seat inside before buckling novah in. "want your toy?"

novah shook her head but went to hold el's hand whilst el buckled herself in.

mike closed the door and circled the car to sit on the other side of novah before giving a nod at his driver.

he bent in front of novah, reaching over to el. "don't be nervous,"

"i'm not," she said in a quiet voice.

he knew that wasn't true. he could see how she was fiddling with her fingers and she was avoiding his gaze.

but he let it go. "okay,"

and he just sat patiently for the rest of the ride to the venue.


they were sat at the round table of the front row right in the middle for obvious reasons.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now