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a loud snore rippled through the air before mike felt a fist hit his chest. he groaned loudly in pain, going to grasp his chest with a wince before he felt someone roll onto him.

his eyes opened, realising it was el and he smiled.

but his smile dropped when she began to thrash and hit again, making him duck to avoid a punch.

"jesus christ, el!" he held onto her shoulders to shake her awake before he turned and pinned her down to the mattress.

her legs kicked and she mumbled something unclear for him to hear as her eyes snapped open.

he knew she wasn't awake though.

"el! EL!" he shook her one last time before he watched as she gained consciousness. "hey, iris, just me," he stroked her cheek gently. "you're safe. you're safe here,"

she breathed heavily, gasping for air before she placed a hand to her chest. "did you— did i hit you again? i'm so sorry—"

his heart broke when the first thing she did was apologise. "it's fine. i am fine," he pulled her into his chest when he laid back down and she sighed deeply, snuggling against him as she curled up.

"i'm sorry i woke you,"

he kissed her forehead. "stop apologising, baby. you don't have to. do you need anything? maybe a glass of water?"

her head shook and she pulled the blanket up higher. "don't worry, i'll just go back to sleep,"

he turned to pull her to his chest before placing a gentle hand behind her head.

after a small second, she murmured. "you're sure i didn't hurt you?"

"no, baby, i'm glad you're okay," he whispered, stroking the back of her head with a gentle smile.

she looked up at him through her lashes and he couldn't help but put a kiss to her lips.

a frown appeared although she didn't pull back and his brows instantly furrowed when he noticed her expression through the small light shining into the room from the window.

"what's wrong? did i—"

her head shook and she began to straighten to turn, reaching towards the nightstand.

she couldn't continue much longer. the conversation had to happen and better now than later.

then, she turned on the lamp and went to unlock the second drawer she had locked. "i should tell you now,"

he straightened up to sit, leaning back against the headboard as he watched her pull out a few pill bottles, a sonogram, a blue newborn onesie, a small envelope, and a cutter.

he didn't say anything but waited till she did.

she looked up as she sat criss crossed and bit down on her lip. "you can... say something,"

"what do you want me to say?"

she shrugged and passed him the sonogram, "this is... well, this was, our little baby." she pointed at the photo. "look at his little tiny hand." she began to smile. "isn't be the cutest, mike?"

tears began to brim in his eyes, his hand lifted to wipe it away before he pulled el so close for him to kiss her temple. "he's beautiful, el," then he turned to grin. "and as handsome as me,"

an inaudible gasp escaped her and she slugged his shoulder. "i thought he's supposed to be as cute as me,"

"hey, novah already is your exact copy. my baby boy would be exactly like me,"

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now