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weeks passed and they went back into their usual routine.

el sleeping on the couch and mike sleeping in their room, not caring of the guest room he had so called cleaned for her.

although, every time she did end up going to sleep on the couch, she would wake up on their bed with mike on the couch instead.

she had no idea why he didn't sleep in the other room when he said he had cleaned it for her. it didn't make much sense to her but she didn't care.

she couldn't give the energy to care.

she was busy planning novah's party whilst she left the disneyland planning to mike since he said he would be in charge.

"muma," novah murmured, stumbling into the dining room, a spaceship stuffy in hand. "need hug, kiss me night night." she slurred tiredly as she yawned and let out a big stretch.

el shut her laptop, making sure novah couldn't see it even if she couldn't read and then bent to pick her up, placing her daughter on her lap. "did you wake up, my explorer? a scary dream?"

novah shook her head back and forth. "no, i wake and then i miss you, mommy. but you not up there so i go down here,"

el pressed her forehead down to novah, a smile overtaking her face which made novah smile too. "i love you so much, muma! cuddle me tonight,"

"hmm, of course." el peppered kisses all over her chubby baby cheeks. "you can sleep with mommy tonight." el left her laptop on the dining table before carrying novah all the way upstairs.

with a giggle, el threw novah on the bed and joined her as novah bursted out into laughter. "mommy!"

"i'm gonna tickle you!" el tickled her side as novah squirmed and laughed. "mama! no— mama!"

el pulled up her dinosaur pyjamas and blew a raspberry to her stomach. "i got you!"

"uhoh!" novah laughed and tried to sit up, going to attempt to tickle el back.

a giggle left el's lips when novah touched her weak spot and her eyes widened in gleam before she continued to tickle her mother.

"you little monster!"

el grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up in the air. "air jail for you, little lady. you are under arrest for overload cuteness,"

that made novah burst out into snickers and cackles, babbling as she moved around in el's hands.

"i explore the galaxy!" she made different sounds, pretending to go across the universe.

"oh no! my explorer can't go without me!" el exclaimed as novah continued. "muma, i find more planets! more aliens like me!"

el gently pulled her down, laying novah on her chest before giving her a gentle kiss. "more aliens, huh?"

"yes! you and baba will get! and me and aliens are friends!"

"maybe you're just the special one, little explorer. and daddy and i were lucky enough to find you," el gently tapped her nose and novah shook her head. "no, more aliens will come! i found the best best best mommy and daddy ever! they will come find too!"

el smiled from ear to ear. "best mommy and daddy?"

novah nodded with big brown eyes. "yes!" she leaned forward and pouted as she hugged el tightly by wrapping her arms around el's neck, her size not making it easier for her.

"sleep like this,"

"all night?" el grinned and novah nodded, hiding her face into el's neck. "to be very close,"

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now