
230 12 3

5 & 1/2 YEARS AGO - AGE 15

"you don't want to sit at the front?" mike asked when el lazily walked to the back of the classroom. "whatever," she murmured, tugging her sweatshirt down.

he followed her and sat next to her as she leaned back, closing her eyes.

"you good there?"

she hummed, rubbing her nose, itching to go to the bathroom to snort another line.

she needed more.

pulling out her phone, she turned down the brightness and began typing.

el: i need more. tomorrow?

tom: kay. p3

el: why not after school

tom: i'm a fucking busy bee

el: sorry

el: actually. meet later?

tom: that's better actually

tom: alright outback lunch

el: okay

"who you texting? max?" mike asked as el shut her phone and put it aside. "yeah," she lied easily and gave a nod.

she placed her hood over her head, curling up as the teacher came over and passed out their tests. "i expected better, el," she said disappointingly as el glanced at her test score.


but she could hardly care.

mike looked over. "what happened, el?"

she shrugged, not responding. "i'm gonna go to the bathroom," she stood up in a hurry and walked out of the classroom, not caring of her teacher yelling behind her.

she walked out back, checking sideways before dialling her phone. "i need it now,"

"you're really annoying for a client,"

she stayed silent. "you're skipping, right?"

"yeah, i'm on the other side,"

"i'll walk over,"

once she walked over, she sat down on the grass field he was smoking on, sitting crisscrossed as he smirked.

"how you've been?"

she held out her hand. "i'll pay you later, i didn't bring my wallet,"

"all good. i'll know where to find you," he smiled wider as she blinked tiredly and took the packet he handed over.

she grabbed the textbook on the floor and poured out a small amount, grabbing his card to line it up.

"woah, woah,"

"no one will see,"

"i ain't worried about that. whats gotten into you?"

"why do you care?" she snapped harshly and bent to snort a line. "i need adderall as well. and xanax."


"i'll pay,"

"not worried about that either, ms goody. what do you need all that for?"

she furrowed her brows. "pain," her voice came out in a mere whisper.

"i know this isn't my job as your dealer but i think you should talk to someone. i don't wanna wake up hearing you fucking overdosed,"

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now