
274 12 1

5 & 1/2 YEARS AGO - AGE 15

mike paced around his room, staring down at his phone as he waited for el to text him back.

it's been days. all she said was that she was sick.

text me back!

god, he was so worried.

so, with his little last hope, he went to dial her home phone number, hoping someone would pick up.

"hello?" a gruff voice answered and mike was quick to ask. "hi, is el there? can i speak to her?"

"no, she's— she's sick," hopper explained as mike glared. "i'm done with that excuse. i need to speak to her now,"

"kid, i don't know who you're talking to—"

"hopper, i'm trying my very best to be as polite as possible. i need to speak to el,"

"you can't. she's in her room,"

"then tell her to answer her texts and my calls,"

"she can't do that, sorry,"


"she got her phone taken away. sorry, kid,"

"what? why? i thought she was sick,"

"yeah, uh..."

mike waited patiently for him to continue, hearing some shuffling. "i'm gonna tell you, kid, but el can't know you know."

"okay, just tell me,"

"a couple days ago, el was hospitalised.... she, um, we found her in the bathtub.... unconscious,"

a small breath escaped him as his breathing increased. "what? what happened, did she—"

"she overdosed. her mom took her phone," he said gently. "she doesn't want you to know. she told me not to tell you,"


"she... she'll call you soon. she's going back to school next week,"

"oh, okay, um— what did she overdose on?" mike didn't know what to say, what to ask.

he couldn't absorb any of this information.

a grunt escaped hopper. "cocaine. i don't know how or where she got it but she won't say anything,"

"is she going to be okay?"

"for now, yes. im trying to get her professional help but her mother—"

"you need to help her. please." he whispered gently. "can you let me know if she wants to speak to me? or um... if anything happens?"

"sure thing, kid."

"okay, um, thanks bye..." he put down the phone and a ragged breath escaped.

he didn't expect that. he didn't know what to do because he couldn't do anything.

he couldn't ask el. he could never bring it up unless she did.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now