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el wrote tiredly on her laptop, hitting send on the text before looking towards novah outside.

she put her phone down, stepping out to the backyard to see novah far away near the forest side with a bunny in her arms.

"novah ivy, please put the bunny down," she said tiredly, walking over to her by circling the long pool.

"but muma!" she exclaimed with a giant pout but still put the bunny down, running over to el to hug her legs.

she jumped up and el caught her before bringing her up to her hip. "time for dinner, my explorer." el kissed her temple softly and gave a gentle smile. "no more stray animals,"

"but mommy!"

"they might be sick, darling," she walked back towards the house, sliding the door shut behind her before placing novah in her high chair.

"no baba?" novah tilted her head and el gave a forced smile. "no, he's working late again,"

novah frowned but nodded and began to eat the mini burrito wrap el made for her. "mommy... where yours?" novah asked, her cheeks covered with sauce already.

el smiled and showed her some cut up fruits. "here... i'm not that hungry,"

novah gave a little shake of the head and held the small burrito out to her. "share with me, muma,"

"it's okay, baby alien, you can have it. i'm okay,"

novah let out a small huff but pulled back and practically devoured the burrito with a giant smile. "yummy!"

"thank you, baby but don't forget your veggies." el pointed to the area on the tray where there were a few broccoli's and some leftover avocados from the sauce she made.

"i won't, muma, i promise," her words were a bit slurred and she blinked innocently before continuing her meal.

el slowly ate on the small cubes of fruit, taking a few sips of water before she would lean over to wipe novah's mouth for her.

dinner ended fairly quickly as usual and once novah was done, el placed the plates in the sink and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "let's head to bed now,"

"already? but it's so early, muma!" novah exclaimed with a huge pout, her eyes so round and wide making it harder for el to say no.

"i'll read your a story, okay?" el asked but novah shook her head. "no.... no— no, you need to cuddle me for very long with a story!"

"very long?" el playfully gasped and tickled novah's side before holding her up. "how long then?"

"till we both sleeeeep!" novah flailed her arms in the air with a laugh and leaned into el who brought her upstairs slowly.

once el got novah ready for bed, she placed her down on the mattress and joined her with a storybook in hand.

novah latched onto her side with a wide smile, leaning and laying on el's stomach in between her arms as she listened closely to the story.

nearing the end of the story, el heard a weak yawn and she saw novah slowly falling asleep, curling up as she did so.

she set the book aside, slowly moving out of her grasp before replacing her spot with a stuffed toy so novah wouldn't feel a thing.

leaving the room, she walked towards her own, looking around the large masters bedroom as tears began to escape.

was it the bedroom she missed? or was it the husband she thought she would spend forever with?

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now