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he placed her hands on her cheeks, cupping her face with delicacy as he admired her with love. "i love you, iris. you don't have to be nervous."

her hand subconsciously held the bottom of her stomach with a smile.

she hasn't begun to show just yet.

"i'm more excited than nervous. i hope my parents won't get mad, do you think karen will?" she asked, shifting her body to the side to lean right into his chest, his arm wrapping around her as they stood in the parking lot outside of the restaurant.

both of their parents were invited to lunch this afternoon just for them to break the news. of course doing it in a diner wasn't ideal, but they had no other choice.

it was just an announcement.

"i hope not." he gently began to caress her face. "with or without them, we will do this,"

"i rather it be with them. even if my parents.... i still wish they would support us,"

"they will, el. if they don't, then... then it's their loss," he pulled her in gently and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "i love you. i'm going to be with you every step of the way. it's you and me,"

"you and me," she repeatedly quietly, peering up at him with a wide soft smile.

she thread her fingers through his and he led them into the restaurant, noticing their parents chatting away at a table.

once they were near, they stood their with a wide smile, giving them greets.

el turned to her parents, the smile on her face never leaving. "thank you for coming, i know you guys have work."

her mother gave a nod as her father nodded with a smile. "i had time, kid. you guys never invited us to lunch like this," hopper said as mike pulled out a chair for el to sit.

she turned to him with a loving grin and sat down, waiting for him to push the chair in before he greeted his parents too.

then he sat as karen slid a glass of water to him. "so what's going on guys? we already know you guys are dating," she chuckled as mike grabbed el's hand openly.

el cut in, grabbing the menu. "why don't we order first. have you guys eaten yet?" she turned to mikes parents who smiled and shook their heads.

they all looked over the menus, deciding what to eat before they called a waitress over to take their order.

their food didn't take long and their parents began chatting away, catching up as old friends.

when mike turned his head to look at el, he noticed how she was slowing beginning to slip away, her smile now gone as she grew nervous.

he leaned in to whisper into her ear. "let's tell them now,"

the corner of her lip began to tug up at the thought of her announcement as she nodded. "okay,"

he cleared his throat to catch their attention. "we have an announcement,"

el straightened up, gulping when her mother looked over at her.

she began to shrink but mike gave her hand a squeeze of reassurance.

she swallowed and leaned closer to his side for support.

"well speak up then, darling," terry directed her words at el but the use of nickname was anything but loving.

mike noticed her excited bubble burst and wrapped a hand around her shoulder to pull her closer.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now