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after another session with her psychiatrist, she's further prescribed with alprazolam, paroxetine and clomipramine.

something to help with her insomnia and her anxiety.

they rarely help but el still took them in hopes of it working that day or night.

her psychiatrist has been with her for a while and still couldn't pinpoint as to why the drugs never worked on el.

so el was mainly there for the therapy sessions whilst they tried to find something that helped her sleep a little better at night.

her body responded weirdly to the drugs to the point her therapist suggested to stop but el still wanted to keep trying.

because sometimes, it just becomes a little unbearable.

sighing, she took another three pills of each, wandering the large but empty house with an empty expression.

it was currently 4am and she only got thirty minutes of sleep before she woke.

it's funny because just when she fell asleep, that was when mike came home.

he reeked of alcohol and not only that, he reeked of perfume. woman's, to be exact. 

as she did his laundry, her eyes caught on the thing she dreaded the most and her eyes shut as a sob escaped her.

how she will survive a day at disneyland with him, she didn't know.

she just hated how she was giving him chance after chance.

now morning, she placed a candle into the red velvet cupcake and went to wake novah upstairs.

singing happy birthday quietly, novah began to wake and she rubbed her eyes and sat up with her hair all tangled and messy.

"happy birthday, sweet alien. you're three..." el smiled and sat by the edge of the bed.

novah smiled tiredly and tried to lean forward to blow the candle but el pulled back.

"waitwait! birthday wish first,"

"but i did one already! no, mommy, i did two!"

"no, this is your official birthday wish. you have to make one." el wiggled a brow. "there has to be something you wish for,"

novah pressed her hands together with a giant grin and closed her eyes for a few seconds before blowing out the candles. "thank you, muma," she rubbed her eyes and yawned before leaning forward to hug her, making el place the cupcake aside.

"today is disneyland! aren't you so excited?"

"yes!" she smiled from ear to ear and then went to peck el's cheek. "where's baba?"

"he's, um, sleeping. let's go wake him together and then we'll get ready," el picked her up and set her on her hip, giving her a bunch of kisses. "i can't believe you're three already, one day you'll be old enough to ride your own spaceship,"

"will you ride with me, mommy?" her eyes were wide, filled with love and el stopped and gave her the biggest kiss. "i'll always ride with you. on every single adventure, i'll be there when you need me,"

novah perked up and hugged her tighter as el walked into the master bedroom and opened the curtains, a clap escaping novah as she exclaimed. "baba! wakey wakey! is my burday!"

mike stirred, going to lay on his back before opening his arms right fir novah to crawl onto the bed and onto his chest. "g'morning!"

"morning, princess. are you three today?"

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now