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a scream erupted through the air and mike shot awake, turning to his side in alert to see el thrashing her arms in the air, her legs kicking rapidly as more screams escaped.

"el! el!" mike shouted for her because her eyes were open, she was awake.

but she didn't respond. she continued to sob, screaming as she curled up to shield her face, kicking her legs more, hitting him right in the shin as a loud wince escaped him.

she was stronger than he thought.

"el, it's me! stop, it's me!" why was she not responding? she was awake.

wasn't she?

"go away! get away! stop! stop! please—" she cried loudly and flailed her arms, hitting him right in the face when he leaned forward to hold her.

"fuck," he cursed when she hit her fist against his eye, a groan escaping him before he managed to hold onto her shoulders.

her eyes were wider than ever, panic and fear filled it but he finally noticed that she wasn't awake.

she wasn't responding.


she continued to scream, trying to get out of his hold.

"el, wake up! wake up!" he tried to shake her awake but she just struggled against his hold. 

she cried, more tears escaping her like a nonstop waterfall. "i have a family, please,"

his brows furrowed as her legs continued to kick, bunching up their sheets.

he didn't know what to do. he didn't know how to help her.

she just seemed so scared.

so he did the first thing he thought of and pulled her right into his chest, her back towards him with his arms tightly around her.

"calm, iris. it's just me and you're safe here," he whispered as her kicks began to slow, her arms holding tightly onto his arm wrapped around her as her nails dug into his skin.

he held back his pained wince and just kissed against her hairline, holding her tightly until she stopped moving against him, becoming limp in his hold.

she began to move and his hold tightened before she heard his voice. "mike?"

"el," he began to smile and turned her around so he could look at her face. "hey, hey,"

she looked around, breathing heavily. "why are you holding me? i finally fell asleep," she tired to move away with a thin layer of sweat coating her forehead.

his brows furrowed. "you woke— do you not remember?"

her head shook.

"you woke me by screaming... you— you were kicking and— your eyes were opened and—"

she looked away, catching on to what he was saying. she knew what he was talking about but she never knew her eyes were opened during it.

"i..." she moved up from him and grabbed her phone. "i'm fine, sorry i woke you," she kept her voice quiet.

"i'm fine with you waking me... you just scared me."

she picked up her phone. "sorry, you can go back to sleep," she stood up from the bed but he stood with her. "there's something going on. i know it. but you won't tell me,"

"i'm fine—"

"stop with the 'im fine'! i know you're not!" he exclaimed. "please, just fucking talk to me, i beg you, el. i never know what's going on!"

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now