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"stephanie, it's not that hard to bring the prototypes to me—" it was hard. he knew it. it was why he always stayed late at his office for most days.

"mr wheeler, they're huge. they are literal mannequins that comes in dozens and dozens—"


"stephanie, im out of work for the week. my wife is sick and i need to take care of her and my daughter. please just make something work,"

"i'll try my best. it's not me, the production team won't move all their work. it's hard to transport."

"i understand."

"i'll also reschedule all your meetings but you're going to be more packed the week after."

"i know. that's okay. i could conference them, just arrange something," mike went to arrange his desk in his home office, a file falling as he cursed.

he grumbled under his breath, saying a goodbye to his assistant before he rolled his eyes at the mess on the floor.

"fucking fuck," he grumbled under his breath, squatting down to pick it up.

once he packed his papers into the file, he looked up and jumped.

"whatchu doing, daddy?"

"jesus, novah, you scared me," he let out a weak laugh, standing up straighter to place the file on the table before scooping his daughter up.

a giggle bursted out of her and he pressed loving kisses to her face. "i'm working, baby girl,"

"what is that?"

"i make clothes and—"

novah cut him off by blowing a raspberry. "mommy is cooler," she grabbed onto him tightly as he carried her out of the room.

his eyes widened when he reached the family room that shows the backyard through the glass door.


"what?" she asked instantly, kicking her legs to be begged to be put down.

he placed her down and she jumped up and down excitingly.


she giggled, running in circles to catch the bunny hopping around the room.

the white bunny hopped to mike's feet and mike bent to the animal with a sigh. "novah, we've talked about wild animals."

"but bunny is sad! we play!" she exclaimed loudly and mike went to slide the backyard door open.

he placed the bunny outside and turned to novah. "they can be dangerous," he shut the door and novah came to a stop with a huge pout.

"buba... you hurt my feelings..." she whispered, sighing before she turned and walked away, going to find el upstairs.

"muma..." she whispered, walking in to el's room who hummed tiredly, laying on her side on the bed.

she tried to force a smile on her face as she faced novah. "what's wrong, little explorer?" she reached her hands out as novah huffed and climbed on the bed.

"daddy took bunny away,"

"the bunny outside? honey, we talked about this." el pulled her in to snuggle her under the covers.

novah sniffled and looked down. "they're my friends..."

"but you have other friends too! from the park mommy takes you to,"

"but i like my bunny..."

el began to smile a little. she knew her daughter was just as painfully shy as she was.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now