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el pushed novah around in the cart as they roamed the department store, looking at different decorations as novah gasped and pointed. "toys!"

"later, baby. mommy needs a new accessory box,"

"but toys..." novah pouted and held onto the stuffed toy in her arms.

el reached out and gently tapped her cheek. "in a moment, little alien."

novah perked up, starting to smile. "okay, muma,"

el gave a gentle smile, gathering everything she needed off her errand list before taking novah to the toy's section.

"you may pick one, baby alien," el put her hands under novah's arms, pulling her out of the cart to set her on her feet.

novah laughed happily, her tiny feet running around the aisle to look at all the options. "i want this! no— i want this— no! there's too many!"

a smile rested on el's lips as she watched her daughter gather a handful of items before turning to el. "mommy... i can't pick," she began to frown and el walked towards her.

"let's see..."

novah began to sniffle, her gaze adverting down to the ground. "i can't pick..."

el bent down to her height and then gently tipped her cheek up by her fingers. "have you been a good alien lately?"

novah nodded a few times silently.

el began to smile and went to poke her cheek. "yeah? i think you have been the best alien lately. mommy will buy all three but you have to promise me you'll still be a good alien, yes?"

novah brightened up into a wide smile, her eyes lighting up before she threw her arms around el. "muma, i love you! i will be a good baby alien! i promise!"

el rubbed her back gently and smiled. "i love you so much, baby,"

novah tightened her hold on el, like a koala never wanting to let go. "hug me, mommy, hug me!"

el pulled back a little, taking the toys out of novah's hands to put it in the cart before grabbing novah tightly and straightening up.

she held her daughter in a front piggyback and continued to push the cart whilst novah wrapped her arms around el's neck with her legs around her waist.

"you're my favourite muma,"

el let out a laugh. "i'm your only muma,"

novah pulled back with a giant pout. "still! you're my favourite!"

"oh, thank you, baby," el leaned forward and kissed her gently. "you're my favourite too,"

just as she gave another kiss to novah's cheek, she heard a ping from her phone and she went to pull it out.

mike: are we still on for this weekend?

mike: ignore what ivan said today. i know we will make it, el.

ignore what he said? how could she.

although she already knew it would happen, she didn't know why it still hurt so much.

it'd never work. we would never work.

she was right, they would never work.

"do you think we'll make it then?" mike asked at the end of their second session as el gathered stuff, ready to leave.

ivan finished his final note in his notebook before looking up to look at them.

"i'm sorry but i'm afraid not,"

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now