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"don't go, buba, please don't go," novah whispered, hugging onto mikes leg as he walked all the way to the front door.

he smiled down at her but his heart broke at her big brown eyes and her little pout. "i have to go to work, alien."

"but... but..." her bottom lip quivered. "miss you,"

he bent down to her height, prying her small fingers off his leg before picking her up, setting her on his lap. "you miss me?"

she nodded and tucked into his chest. "all the time, daddy,"

he sighed deeply, hugging her to his chest tightly before kissing her temple gently. "i love you, sweetheart. i'll always love you,"

"really?" she whispered and he nodded against the top of her head before pulling back to her a good look at her face. "hey, sweetie?"

she looked up, her eyes round and doe.

"want to come to work with daddy for the day?"

her face lit up and she gasped. "with you?"

he held back a chuckle. "yes,"

she practically squealed as she perked up, crawling off his lap. "i tell mommy!"

"sure thing, sweetie," he whispered, watching her run off to the kitchen with excitement bubbling through her.

a minute later, el walked down the hall towards him but without novah by her side.

"you can't take her," she started off quietly.

his brows furrowed. "why not?"

"because she's three years old. she needs attention and you will be working regardless. she needs food, she needs—"

"i can take care of her, el,"

"and if you can't?"

his eyes narrowed. "i can,"

she sighed quietly, putting a hand on her forehead. "fine... but don't come home after her bedtime. be back by 6,"

"six— fine, fine. okay,"

"she has to be in bed by 8 and she would still need to eat dinner and take a bath. you have to be home on time, mike. no excuses,"

he gave a small nod. "i know. i can take her then?"

she looked over her shoulder and down to the ground. "yes... i'll go... say goodbye and pack a bag for you,"

she was about to walk to the kitchen, but she stopped and turned to walk upstairs instead.

he waited by the door and in a few minutes, she came down with a duffel bag. "change of clothes in case anything happens, a jacket, diapers just in case, bottles and toys, i'll pack her some snacks and drinks too,"

"okay," he gave a small nod and watched as she left the bag by his feet before walking to the kitchen.

"hey baby alien," el picked novah up and gave her a big kiss. "mommy is only one call away. daddy will be with you the whole day but if you ever need me... you will call me, yes?" she murmured against novah's cheek who nodded. "yes mommy, i will be okay!"

"good, good. mommy packed you a whole bag of toys and i'll get you some food, okay?" el whispered, stroking her hair. "i love you, novah,"

novah blinked and kissed el's lips. "i love you more,"

el giggled and stood up straighter before going to the fridge to take out some drinks and to pack some biscuits and snacks.

once done, she walked over to novah and scooped her up with one arm, holding her tightly. "c'mere baby explorer," she peppered kisses all over novah's cheek.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now