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"oh yeah, go novy! go novy!" max cheered her on outside the gas station whilst novah bounced up and down with her knees bending and her hands raised to the air.

"novah! do you need the bathroom!?" el asked, coming out of the gas station with some drinks and snacks.

novah shook her head and continued to bounce up and down whilst max did the same.

"max," el said at max who looked up with a sheepish smile. "novy dancing,"

"yeah!" novah exclaimed happily as el let out a chuckle. "alright, baby. get back to the car now, your daddy should be done,"

"but what about lukey?"

max bent and picked her up, setting novah on her hip as she circled the car. "let's not worry about him,"

novah pouted are her with puppy eyes, making max kiss her forehead.

she pulled back once she buckled novah in her car seat and raised her hands up. "go novy!"

novah followed and raised her hands, going to kick her feet. "go novy!"

a huge laugh escaped max, making her throw her head back as el entered the car and place a blanket over novah. "sweetie, do you want snacks?"

"yes please, mommy,"

el ripped open a packet of goldfishes as max got into the car too.

as el placed some onto novah's small hand, she put some into her own mouth and then turned to feed max some too.

max smiled and leaned down to lay on el's shoulder.

as novah continued to much on her snacks, mike and lucas came out of the gas station and entered the car.

"buckled up, novy?" lucas asked, turning on the engine as novah nodded and raised a hand. "ready!"

he grinned as mike turned back to smile at her. "alright, let's go then,"

mike reached a hand back at el who scrunched her nose before handing him some goldfishes to eat.

"how much longer, daddy?" novah asked as he hummed, munching on the snack by throwing it in his mouth. "almost there, sweetie. 45 minutes or so. take a nap, alien, you'll be tired when you arrive,"

"nu-uh! me and maxy have a dance party!"

"don't you wanna dance party with your uncle will and dustin? you won't have energy later." mike told her as novah pouted at the thought. "oh no,"

"that's right, baby girl, so you should rest,"

novah looked up at el with a pouty face who nodded at her with a smile. "baby explorer, take a quick nap,"

novah stuck her tongue out as el reached over to squish her cheeks gently. "it's okay, baby, mommy will wake you when we get there. then you can dance all you want,"

novah nodded slowly and her eyes began to close whilst hugging her blanket tightly.

a second later, novah reached out to grab el's hand and hugged it tightly as she began to fall asleep.

with a smile el took a photo of novah, showing it to max then mike then lucas.

a snicker escaped mike as he looked back at novah, pointing to his mouth to tell el there were some crumbs on the corner of novah's mouth.

after el went to swipe it away, her eyes closed herself and she placed her head on top of max's to take a quick nap.

they arrived in hawkins not long later and they went to check in at the hotel first.

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