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"go on, sweetheart. go play," el ushered novah to the playground of the park with a gentle smile.

novah looked around nervously but her love for the slide overtook her shyness and she went to the slide all by herself.

turning around, el found an empty bench and sat down, making sure she was watching novah closely.

feeling her phone buzz in her hand, she looked down.

mike: i might run late today. okay?

el: k

she put her phone into her bag, rubbing her eyes as she looked ahead and smiled at novah who giggled all the way down the slide.

it still amazed her how she and mike had novah.

a sweet little girl.

she missed the old days. the days where he would actively tell her he loved her and hold her.

where they would talk.

but it wasn't like she told him everything anyways.

till this day... he still didn't know she wasn't out sick that week. he didn't know what happened leading to that event either.

was it her fault that this was all happening?

mike: don't be mad, i'll try to make it home

she didn't even want to respond.

when el saw novah running back to her, el was quick to spring to her feet thinking something was wrong.

"play with me, mommy,"

"oh, baby, i'm not feeling that well, why don't you play yourself?"

novah looked up, her lips quivering as she pouted. "sick? are you okay, mommy?" she stepped forward to hug el's legs before looking up.

"i'm not sick, just a little tired." she looked to the side. "how about i push you on the swings?"

her eyes brightened. "ooh! yes please," novah grabbed el's hand and led her to the swing set on the other side.

el placed novah onto the swings with a smile and she began to push her with a smile.

"you wanna go eat later, honey?" el asked and novah nodded happily. "yes!"

"maybe we could even do some shopping. mommy was planning on making your favourite baked rolls," she whispered to her as novah lit up happily. "i want! i want!"

a chuckle escaped el's lips. "i know," she leaned forward and kissed novah's cheek before she continued to push her. "higher?"

her daughter nodded cutely and held on tightly whilst el pushed her with a little bit more strength.

they stayed in the park for almost a half hour more before they decided to head for lunch.

novah grabbed onto el's hand tightly as they walked, quick baby steps in hopes of keeping up with el.

seeing how she struggled a little, el bent and picked her up, her love for novah overtaking how tired her arms already felt.

"little novah ivy," el kissed her nose. "my beautiful sweetheart," she murmured and placed a hand to novah's back.

novah giggled as they walked the crosswalk and then gasped, pointing ahead. "daddy!"

el turned her head, seeing mike help a woman into his car with a polite smile.

el knew it was one of his clients but she couldn't help but feel the pain in her heart. she couldn't remember that last time he assisted her like that.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now