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when she pried her eyes open and let out a small whine from the shining sun, she yawned and sat up, pushing mikes hand off of her waist.

she turned to check the time with the clock on the nightstand and a gasp escaped her.

mike shot awake at her shocked gasp and turned back and forth. "what? what happened!?"

she slammed a hand over his mouth as her eyes squinted to make sure she looked at the time right.

sunday. 11am.


they had come home by 12 after checking on novah at max's and they said they'd come back to put down their new bags.

they must've fallen asleep after that.

which meant she at least slept for 10 hours.

she remembered waking a few times but she had fallen asleep instantly.

"what is it?" mike asked, muffled behind her palm as she turned to him.

she suffered from insomnia since she was pretty young but it was never as bad as it was now.

she remembered that he used to help her by hugging her to sleep.

it didn't work much but it was something.

he always tried to make it better.

it was weird how he didn't know about her new sleep problems. experiencing a hypnagogic state.

"nothing," she whispered with a growing smile and then she cursed. "novah," she jumped out of bed. "oh my god, novah," she searched for her phone, flipping the blanket and searching the nightstand before he handed her phone to her calmly.

"darling, you fell asleep before you could even charge your phone," he informed her as their fingers brushed over each other whilst she grabbed her phone.

max: hey el, i thought you were coming back?

max: el?

max: mike just texted, don't be alarmed when you see these!!!

max: but i'm sensing progress 😏😏

max: hi! novah just woke up!

max: all good here, dustin and will is keeping her busy. let me know when you'll be back ❤️

el: thank you thank you i owe you my life

el: i'm so sorry, we fell asleep

el: be there by 12!!!

max: no need to rush — need all deets later

el: no deets to share max.

she put down her phone and looked over at mike. "work today?"

he held up his phone and threw it backwards. "called in sick," he placed a palm to his forehead. "goddamn, my fever. how can i meet with all these clients today?"

her eyes rolled playfully when he let out a laugh. "i'm serious. i'm going to be better,"

he reached out to hold her hand, then went to kiss the back. "i promise,"

she waited a moment before murmuring. "let's go get ready then." she walked towards their connected bathroom and began to wash her face and brush her teeth.

she should text bessy as well.

he entered after her just as she rinsed her mouth and spit into the sink.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now