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dad: Hi sweetie, I know apologises won't make up for anything but I want you to know that I am so sorry for everything and I would love to make it up to you and Mike by getting to know Novah.

dad: Would you like to come out to lunch?

el stared at the two text messages for a good 10 minutes before she replied.

el: just you or mom too?

dad: Do you want her there?

el: let me ask mike and novah first

she lifted herself off the bed, walking out of wills guest bedroom to find mike and novah playing in the backyard.

"mike," she called out when mike lifted novah in the air.

he turned his head, smiling at her instantly before it faltered from her expression. "what's wrong, iris?"

"my dad is asking if we want to meet for lunch... with novah,"

he gulped, looking at the toddler who bit on her braids with a silly grin.

"i asked if my mom would be there and he said that's for me to decide,"

he nodded a few times before setting novah down on the ground, bending his knees to a squat to meet her height.

"hey baby girl,"

she laughed and touched his nose. "hi buba,"

he smiled widely from how her features resembled him so much. she was an exact replica except for her eyes, nose and personality.

most would say she looked like mike from first glance but that was all looks.

her personality was an exact copy of el's.

sweet, kind, caring.

she was the perfect mix of the two of them and that made mikes heart melt.

"your mommy and i have to ask you something," he began as el bent down, holding novah's hand.

he looked to el for her to start and she began to say. "do you remember the man and woman we saw at the comic figure store the other day? where you got all those toys?"

novah nodded. "he has a funny beard, mommy,"

el let out a small laugh. "he does, yes. so we're your mommy and daddy, right? well, they are my mommy and daddy."


"yes, so they are you grandparents. grandma and grandpa,"

"but... but gammy is..." she pointed to mike as el sat down on the ground and began to explain. "that's your daddy's mommy and daddy. you have two grandma and grandpas."


mike gently held her small hand, noticing her confused look. "i know it's very confusing, baby, just know they are your grandparents,"

"now we have something very important to ask you, sweetie. i know you haven't met them before and last time wasn't very proper. would you like to have lunch with them?" el asked as novah shrugged. "i dunno. mommy say. but they make mommy sad and i don't like it when mommy is sad. it makes me sad too,"

el smiled and leaned forward to give her a kiss. "you don't have to worry about me, alien, it's whatever you want."

"will they be sad if they don't see me?"

"i'm not sure, sweetheart,"

she shrugged and bounced away with a laugh. "i like beard grandpa. he looks like a silly alien," she rolled around on the grass as el looked to mike.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now