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monitors. so many monitors.

scan after scan (that el demanded, knowing mike has hit his hipbone, ribs and head) they concluded that he only fractured his hipbone, bruised his ribs and head instead.

nothing permanent on his head but it was best for him to stay the night at the hospital for observation.

mike didn't want that but el insisted.

"you have to be sure," she said.

"but i want to go home to you," he replied.

"novah and i will be here. i need you healthy, mike," she said and he then complied by laying on the bed, novah curled up next to him too afraid to move.

she was scared that once she did, mike would get hurt or disappear.

they explained that wouldn't happen but still, she wouldn't move away.

outside in the hall, el was taking a breather as she awaited for their friends to arrive.

she had told mike she was going to get them a few drinks and when her parents suggested to stay, she instantly turned them away.

her mother was the reason for this.

she had lied to her father and disobeyed mike and el's wishes.

her daughter was almost killed.

her husband too.

as she sat outside, she buried her face between her knees, letting out a staggered breath to control her breathing and the pain erupting from her stomach.

a weak groan escaped her as her eyes slammed shut, hoping the moment would pass.

she knew the stress was too much but right now, mike and novah mattered more.


el looked up, a pained expression on her face as a nurse knelt to her. "are you feeling well? do you need any—"

"no, i'm fine. my stomach just hurts, that's—" she groaned a little. "that's all. i'll be—"

"let's go get you checked up. you're in with mr wheeler, right?"

she nodded and began to stand when the nurse held el's arm to assist her.

"where does it hurt?"

"my stomach, it's churning,"

"does it come in waves?"

el shook her head. "a little bit now it's always there. then it comes stronger— ow,"

the nurse led her to a bed in the emergency room, calling for a doctor before shutting the curtain around them.

"my— my husband, i need—"

"it's okay, you'll be out here in no time. i'll let him know that you're here,"

she nodded and searched for her phone in her pocket to text max.

el: don't make a big deal of it when u arrive. can you come find me in the er? just you please

el: i'm scared

max: arriving right now! don't worry, i'll be right there ❤️‍🩹

el: i'm in the third bed, curtain is closed.

el put her phone away when the curtains swooshed open and a female doctor stepped in, speaking to the nurse before shutting the curtain.

"hi, i'm dr raven, i heard you're experiencing adnominal pain?"

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now