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the both of them sat across from el's parents in the familiar diner but this time, they sat the booth.

"where's my baby ivaline?"

"her name's novah," el corrected instantly. "novah ivy wheeler. there's no ivaline in there,"

"are you sure? ivaline sounds better. is that not what ivy is short for—"

mike couldn't take this anymore, he had to say something. "no, it's short for iris,"

her mother furrowed her eyebrows. "that doesn't make any sense, ivy—"

hopper cut in. "i'm sure that's not what's most important here. novah ivy is a beautiful name, terry. they didn't name their daughter after your great great whoever,"

a small smile escaped el and she weakly said, "the name ivy represents our love,"

"yes, but—"

"terry— may i call you terry?" mike asked but didn't give her time to reply. "was there something you actually wanted to discuss and not the choice of our daughters name?"

she let out a huff of frustration before saying, "i did not appreciate the both of you coming back without a word. especially when you had my granddaughter with you,"

"well, you weren't responding back to my texts, why would i tell you?" el asked gently and thanked the waiter who cane and set down her milkshake.

"you don't even like chocolate milkshakes," her mother retorted as el inhaled a sharp breath. "i do, mom,"

"no, you don't. you've never drank—"

"because you wouldn't let me," el muttered and mike reached for her hand under table which she squeezed tightly instantly to let out her anger.

he held back a groan and wince, keeping the smile on his face as el's breath increased. "we're only back a few days. i'm not sure if we will come back next time," el said quickly, looking down as she stirred her drink.

her mother gasped, clutching the pearls on her neck. "why not? you cant keep my grand—"

"need i remind you, you didn't want her," mike cut in. "you cant come demanding things as if you wanted to be in her life before. we allowed you to, we reached out, we suggested to visit you instead but you didn't even bat an eye. you will not be allowed to just waltz in here as if we owe you something because we don't. we built our own life and raised our own money,"

"i made you, el, without me—"

"okay, well what do you want me to do about it? kill myself and wish i had a different mother because that's all i ever wanted, mom."

"you— you—" she stumbled over her words with a gasp before scoffing, looking at hopper who had no idea what to say in this situation.

"i would love to meet novah," hopper spoke up quietly. "if you'll allow that, el. just to get to know her,"

el smiled a little, "mike and i will think about it,"

he nodded. "of course, just let me know and—"

"am i not included in this, jim? have you—"

"can you stop for just one second, terry? you're causing a scene that we want no part of."

"i beg your pardon? i don't appreciate the tone, jim, you should be on my side—"

"i'm on the side that is right and reasonable," he grumbled before smiling at el and mike. "tell me about novah?"

el brightened instantly and her hand on mike's softened. "she's a shy girl who will love you once she warms up; which won't take long. she loves space and the universe and—"

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now