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she didn't sleep a single second. not even a minute.

because of that, she decided to clean the entire house and told the housekeeper to not come for the day.

novah awoke early so el made her breakfast before mike even woke to go to work.

el carried novah all morning, pressing kisses to her cheeks as she strolled outside to distract novah.

what she didn't know was that mike left when they were outside, not even saying goodbye.

but she didn't know that he didn't want to bother her or make her even more mad.

novah clung her arms around el's neck, sniffling quietly. "mommy,"

"yes, sweetheart?" she instantly responded and rubbed novah's back.

"i wanna go with daddy," she murmured with a pout, looking up at el with big round eyes.

"i know, honey, i know. but he has to work and we can always go another time," she explained gently as novah sniffled and went to rest her head on el's shoulder.

"hey, baby explorer?"

novah huffed in response.

"i love you more than anything in the entire galaxy,"

"me too,"

el began to smile before she went to make a snack for novah, deciding to pull out a paint kit to distract her.

hoping that it would work.

but it didn't.

cartoons didn't, the pool didn't, the greenhouse didn't, a movie didn't, boardgames didn't, the game room didn't, nothing did.

because all she wanted was to go to the carnival with her mommy and daddy.

that was literally what she asked for every time el thought she found something that novah enjoyed doing.

her legs trembled and her hands shook once novah fell asleep for her afternoon nap.

she didn't know what to do.

how can she tend to her child?

she needed mike. regardless of what was going on, she needed him.

she needed someone.

she couldn't do this alone. she had no clue what to do!

come home already... your meeting is over...

please come home.

they ate dinner themselves and el allowed novah ice cream for dessert, heartbroken at novah's expression.

she almost cried again when she saw how devastated novah was when she got ready for bed, looking over her shoulder whenever she heard a sound, thinking it was mike.

but when she realised it wasn't, her lips downturned and she looked down.

till she went to bed, she asked for mike.

"mommy," she whispered, blinking her tiredness away. "where is daddy?"

"he's coming home," i hope he is.

novah sniffled quietly but nodded, turning away as el leaned forward to kiss her forehead. "i love you so so much,"

"i love you more," novah whispered tiredly. "goodnight muma," she puckered her lips for another kiss which el gave instantly.

with a tired breath, novah dropped to her side and cuddled her toy. "i'll tell daddy to come find you when he comes home,"

novah shook her head and pressed herself closer to her toy instead.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now