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"mommy," jupiter tapped el's leg who was busy making congratulatory pancakes and waffles for novah.

mike was picking up novah from school who just won her sleeping bee at school.

"yes?" el looked down at her son and scrunched her nose. "you wanna help me with the pancakes?"

his head shook and he laughed before standing straight. "when is novy coming home, mama? why do we go to school? school is boring! i don't like school,"

she frowned at him and gently swiped her chin. "why don't you like school, bub? school is so great and fun and—"

"boring." he declared with a nod. "we always have to read out loud when we can read ten times faster ourselves. mommy, it's boring,"

she set down the whisk and bent to pick him up, holding him by the side of her hip. "the world is so slow sometimes, isn't it?"

he nodded.

a gentle smile escaped her. "but bub, when the entire world is going so slow and you're going so incredibly fast... don't you want to slow down to the pace of the world?"

"no. i move forward."

"you want to move forward, bub?"

he nodded.

"but the thing is, you'll move alone. let me tell you something, baby... i always thought the world was so very slow. why do others take so long to solve something i can in a second? why can't they see what i see? is that how you feel?"

he nodded. "yes."

"you can move forward, baby. i'm not stopping you, your daddy isn't stopping you. i just want you to know if you move forward so quickly, your life would be full of pain. you'll move faster than your friends and family, you're the only one on the path. is that what you want? or do you want to slow down a bit and live a life full of love and peace?"

he frowned, thinking for a while. "slow down..."

"mommy and daddy won't stop you from anything but we have been through this. i'm telling you right now, my smart smart child, that if you move so much quicker than this world, it would be so incredibly isolating."

"i don't want to be smart but alone, mom."

"that's why we learn to be smart around the ones we love." she scrunched her nose and kissed his cheek before whispering. "and calling me mom doesn't represent how smart you are, baby,"

"mommy doesn't sound smart,"

she frowned because that's what her mother had taught her growing up.

"no, sweetheart. no. you can be smart and call me mommy and your daddy daddy. because you love us,"

he absorbed the sentence before nodding. "but i hate it at school. everyone is so slow!" he exclaimed with a crossed arm. "ms crawford can't teach, mommy. i teach myself better,"

she patted his head, fluffing his curls. "which is why daddy and i are discussing if you're going to skip a grade or two. don't worry, bub, i'll always be here to help you." she brushed his curls back and smiled.

then, he bent forward to flip the pancake. "novah's going to love this,"

"she sure will," she grinned at him just as they heard the front door open.

footsteps were heard before mike appeared whilst holding their eight year olds hand.

"mommy! i got first!" novah jumped up and down, the alien antenna headband bouncing with her. "look!"

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now