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"what you doing at this time of night?" mike whispered, walking down the steps to find el in the kitchen.

"novah's birthday cake. why are you awake, it's early,"

"then why are you awake? you could've made it later,"

"couldn't sleep," she whispered, adding some frosting to the heart shaped cake. "red velvet. her favourite," she handed a small piece out to him for him to try.

he leaned forward taking the bite straight from her fingers as he held her gaze. "tastes great,"

"i hope she likes it," she whispered and continued to finish the cake with a weak yawn. "she will,"

"i got her a giant dollhouse, i hope it was the one she wants,"

"does it have aliens?" el asked playfully and he chuckled. "i got her alien slippers with space kit too,"

she smiled softly and nodded as he circled the counter and walked near her. "can i help?"

she sucked in a breath. "you can decorate with me," her therapist would be proud of her for suggesting this.

"can i?"

"i just said you could, mike," she whispered and handed him some sprinkles and a few piping bags. "i wanted to do some stars, plants or even aliens but i didn't know how. you could try,"

"fuck, i don't wanna mess up then," he chuckled and piped a green blob to imitate an alien.

she let out a laugh, shaking her head as she kept her flour covered hands out front. "that is not an alien,"

"hey, i tried,"

she leaned forward and did a small flower, perfecting it as best as possible.

"that looks good,"

"i watched videos,"

that made him grin and he went and tried again before putting some sprinkles on. "my alien has a sprinkle stomach,"

she held back a smile and then she continued on her mini flowers and stars.

they worked on the cake for a full hour in silence, making sure the pastel pink cake was absolutely perfect.

flour was all over her cheeks along with a dab of frosting.

"we should clean up before she wakes," el whispered, wiping her hands on the towel before she bursted into laughter seeing frosting all over mikes shirt.

"what?" he looked down and then grumbled under his breath. "goddamit," he wiped his hands before peeling off his shirt whilst walking to the laundry room.

"no, just leave it in there and i'll spray it first," el told him. "or else it won't come out,"

"i'll get the maid to do it,"

"she has a name," el said quietly with a shake of her head before dumping everything in the sink and placed the cake in the fridge.

"yeah, yeah," mike came back, bare up top before he assisted her with wiping the countertop. "should i go wake her?"

her head shook. "no, she can sleep in if she wants to," she whispered and let out a small sigh. "you got anymore laundry?"

his head shook and she gave a small nod before she walked to the laundry room and started to soak up his frosting covered shirt.

"you want breakfast?" he called out to her and she put all the other clothes in the laundry. "i'm okay,"

standing up to let the shirt stay for a while, she walked upstairs to her room to find the medication in her drawer.

YOU'RE LOSING ME ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now