doubts or love ? [20]

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How do I face myself? My mind has been stuck with Taehyung's stepmother entering my house.

I can't help but feel the guilt inside me. I took a stroll in my childhood park where my father used to bring me out for fun.

My hands are in my hoodie's pocket, listening to the music playing on my headphones. 

Looking at the concrete ground, I didn't realise a bicycle coming my way.

Just before it could hit me, someone pulled me aside.

"Y/n! Be careful!" I saw my senior in front of me, "Minjun Sunbae! Were you following me?" My heart was still pounding from the shock.

"You looked like you had a lot going on in your mind, so I was worried. Thank god I followed you. If not, you would've been a street pancake on the ground now!"

"Thanks, Sunbae..." we walked together, but it was silent.

"Wanna tell me what's going on?" He asked, sounding very concerning of me. "Nothing much... Just some disagreements with someone..."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. No worries..." Not satisfied with my answer, he dragged me to a convenient store.

"I'll buy you anything you want." Quickly, I got some ice cream and chips.

"Ice cream cures everything! Thanks," At least now, I could smile. "Y/n, if you aren't in the state of mind to come to work tomorrow, text me. I'll tell them you're not feeling well."

"Thanks for your concern, but I think I can manage. It's getting late. You should hurry home."


Turning on the lights, I spotted Taehyung on the couch dozing off in the dark.

"Tae, what are you doing here?" He woke up and showed me his sweet smile. "Ah, you're finally here! You said you didn't want to go out, so I came over."

"It's very sweet of you, Tae. But, you should head home for rest."

"Why rest there when I can rest here with you?" he had insisted on staying over, and i couldn't say anything more.

As we laid on the couch comfortably together, I had a question to ask him.

"Tae," I called him, "Yes, my love?"

"Do you think we'll ever have a future together?" He looked at me in the eye, cupping my face.

"Babe, what sort of question is this? Of course we'll be together forever. Inknow why you're doubting. It's okay, I'll fix the problem soon, okay? I promise." He pecked my forehead, reassuring me.

But, I didn't feel reassured.

"What made you ask this?"

"O-oh nothing... I'm just curious..."

[author's note 📝]

i think I'm having author's block, so this chapter is SHORT.

always in secrecy 🤍 : kthWhere stories live. Discover now