my cracks [23]

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With Taehyung still overseas, i was all alone for the rest of the week. Though we still had our calls at night, i really missed him. 

Putting everything aside, I was meeting Rosé at our favourite medical school's go-to snack bar.

Swinging the door open, I saw rosé ordering the dishes for us already. "Y/nnie! Oh, my favourite customers! How are you?"

The owner of the snack bar, Mrs Lee, said as she remembered the two of us. "Mrs Lee! I missed you! We're doing well!"

"Yes! We need your dishes to make us happy!" Rosé added. "Aigoo, don't worry, I'll make some special dishes for you to enjoy! It's on the house, girls!"

"Thank you, Mrs Lee!" we both said while smiling.

We settled down and started talking just when Rosé announced something.

"Y/n-ah, I have something to tell you..." My head shot up, all ears to listen to her words. "I'm getting married!!"

My eyes lit up as she said that. She showed her gorgeous ring as I envied her. "On top of that, I'm pregnant!"

"Omo, congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" Behind the 'mask' I was wearing, I wondered when was my turn to say those words.

"Are you sure? Your face doesn't say so. Come on, spill." Being my best friend since forever, I hadn't kept any secrets from her.

"W-what? I don't have anything to spill..." I avoided eye contact, but she held my hand, "Yah, what do you take me for? I've known you since forever. You can't hide anything from me."

"F-fine... I'm dating a married man." she looked at me, stunned, unable to process what I said. "W-wow... Um, okay... not what I expected, but you probably had your reasons..."

"What reasons? First of all, I'm dating a married man! That's killing me, rosé..."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"His stepmother confronted me in person. His wife confronted me on the phone and in person, and the worst part is that she slapped me..."

"Y/n!! Are you out of your mind? How could you let her slap you and get away with it? Did you tell your boyfriend?"

"As if I had any power against them (stepmother and sua). Come on, it's obvious that I'm his mistress. We wee dating before her got married but after that everything changed. I started doubting everything."

"What are you doubting?" she asked, looking quite concerned.

"Wether I should stay with him or not... His stepmother was the one who hired someone to kill my father. And you know how close I am to him.."

"My father always wanted me to live up to my dreams and be a doctor that he has always wanted to. She said that if I don't call it off, she'll get me fired from the hospital. "

"Nonsensical shit, babe."

"To you, but I really love my job and how far I've come. I don't want to give it all up and lose it all. I want to make my father proud."

"You are making him proud. Does your boyfriend even know about this?"

"No, are you crazy? He would freak out! He's a mafia leader.. I don't want to make it a big deal."

"Mafia? Girl... It's okay. You'll figure everything out. Just do the right thing."

It felt good to finally share my thoughts. But, how long could I keep it a secret?

always in secrecy 🤍 : kthWhere stories live. Discover now