wandering mind [11]

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I'm lying at home, not having the urge to get up. Thoughts on my mind have surrounded my mind.

My doorbell rang, making me confused. Taehyung was out of town for some meeting, and my family is on vacation in Busan. I chose not to go because of work.

I opened the door, and it was Jimin! Taehyung's closest friend and his 'secretary' in the mafia world.

"Jimin oppa? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with Taehyung?" He walked in with bibimbap, my favourite!

"Taehyung ordered me to stay here to keep an eye on you and to also make sure you're eating well without him." He rolled his eyes playfully. "Can I come in?"

"Of course! Let me get some drinks." He settled down in my dining table as I handed him a can of soda.

"How are you doing? You look flustered." He asked me worriedly, "I don't know either. Sometimes I forget that he is married."

"Of course, the marriage doesn't mean much to him, but I don't like how I feel. I don't want things to go downhill, I want my happy ending with Taehyung."

"He means the world to me, and I don't want to lose him."

"I know for a fact that even if you want to leave, he will never, and I mean NEVER, let you go so easily. Relax, y/n. Taehyung wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"And, you should never feel like you don't deserve him."

"Thanks, oppa. Ah, please. Don't you ever let Taehyung know about this conversation. Pretend it never happened."

"Yes, ma'am!" We enjoyed the food together, and soon after, he was leaving.

"Call me if anything happens. If not, your boyfriend would kill me."

"Haha, thanks, oppa. See you soon!"

Tired from my long day, I texted Taehyung.

Me: Babeeee!! Are you free to call now? I miss youuuu

Mr Kim💍: I miss you too. Did jimin not go over today? I'm still drafting a document out, I'll call you in a minute, okay?

Me: He even brought my favourite bibimbap! I guess I'll be waiting for your call! Love youuu❣️

Mr Kim💍: Love you too!! ❤️

As I waited and waited, it was already 12am...

I gave up and pressed the video call button.

"Jagiya! Are you still up? I'm sorry I got distracted with work and I suddenly received news."

"I waited for you! Anyways, what's the news?"

"I have to go to Italy after this for a quick business trip. Are you okay with that? I can cancel if you aren't - "

"Yah, work is work. If you have to leave, go! Wherever you are, you know I'm always here for you!"

We talked some more, and we decided to end the long call.

"Okay, I've got to rest for tomorrow's shift. Remember to rest well, okay? Go and come safely, hmm?"

"Yes, ma'am! Good night! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

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