a star is born⭐️ [38]

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Holding hands, trying to endure the contractions I'm feeling. "It's going to be okay, baby."

Taehyung was comforting me as I breathed in and out normally. At last, the moment we've been waiting for, our baby girl is going to be in this world any time now.

"Eunji-ah, Appa is here again! Make this birth easy for your eomma, okay? My sweet girl, I'm going to protect you forever."

I ruffled with his hair as he kept talking to our unborn baby. "As for you, my wife... Both of you are emy angels, and I heard to love our daughter, I must love my partner as equally."

He got a gift box out, revealing a pendant with our daughter's name. I looked at him, with eyes full of love for him. "This is a push gift, right? Thank you for choosing me to be your husband and the father of our child."

"Aww, I love you..."


Finally, it was time to get pushing! "You've got this, babe." He planted a peck on my forehead, holding hands with me.

"Ready, Mrs Kim?" The doctor asked, "Yes, Doctor."

The moment of truth, any moment now I'll be a mother. "Okay, I'm gonna need you to push."

On the second push, I was sweating  like crazy. "The head is visible now, push!"

The baby's cries filled the room as Taehyung and I were in tears of joy.

"Good job, babe! You did it! You brought our bundle of love into the world!" He cheered.

After breastfeeding Eunji, I fell asleep from the exhaustion.


In the quiet aftermath of the birthing process, the room held a serene atmosphere, with the soft hum of medical equipment providing a gentle backdrop.

Y/n lay peacefully, exhausted yet radiant, cradling the precious bundle of joy named Eunji in her arms.

The soft glow of the dimmed hospital room lights illuminated the love and warmth that enveloped the space.

As Y/n and Eunji peacefully slept, i found myself marveling at the profound beauty of the moment.

The rhythmic rise and fall of my wife's chest, matched by the gentle movements of Eunji as she slept, created a symphony of tranquility that filled your heart with overwhelming joy and gratitude.

The scent of the newborn lingered in the air, a sweet fragrance that seemed to embody the promise of new beginnings.

My gaze shifted between my wife and daughter, each precious breath a testament to the miracle of life that had unfolded just hours ago.

The bond between mother and child, evident even in their slumber, spoke volumes about the love that had already taken root.

I couldn't help but reflect on the incredible journey that brought me to this moment – the shared laughter, the comforting embraces during challenging times, and now the addition of a new life to your family.

Eunji, wrapped snugly in a soft blanket, seemed to embody all the dreams and hopes I had for the future.

In the quiet of the room, I found myself whispering words of love and promises for the days to come. "You both are my world," I murmured softly, careful not to disturb their peaceful repose.

"I can't wait to watch our little Eunji grow, surrounded by the love of her amazing mother and the warmth of our family."

As i sat beside them, i marveled at the resilience and strength Y/n had shown throughout the birthing process. Her peaceful expression in sleep hinted at the profound satisfaction that comes from bringing a new life into the world.

I gently reached over to brush a strand of hair from Y/n's face, a tender gesture of admiration for the woman who had just given me the most precious gift imaginable.

In the quietude of the hospital room, surrounded by the love and the promise of a future filled with shared moments, I felt an overwhelming sense of contentment.

The journey ahead was uncertain, but in that serene moment, you knew that your family, now expanded by the arrival of Eunji, was bound by a love that would endure the tests of time.

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