Chapter 1.) At school

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, going off. I hurry to turn it off so that it won't wake, my uncle... As I was about to get out of bed, my phone dinged, letting me know that I have something. I walk over to see what it was and its from one of my games.

I walk into my closet to get some close, to get a shower taken, before going to school... As I'm walking into the bathroom, stripping down. I turned on the shower, to the right temperature, before stepping in.

I stepped out of the shower, not really wanting to because the hot shower felt good, on my aching body. I wrap a towel around me before leaving the bathroom.

As I'm brushing out the tangles in my long sandy blond hair, I look up to my mirror, that hung on my wall above my vanity and what I see looking back at me is, dull hazel eyes, staring back at me. I look away quickly not wanting to look at myself, any longer.

I walk over to my door and open it slightly, I poke my head out, to listen out for my ucle.

After knowing there was no sound coming from, anywhere. I grabbed everything before running out of my room, I flew down the stairs.

As I'm about to walk out the front door, I hear his bedroom door open, I run out the door quickly before, he tries to stop me from leaving, for school.

Let me explain why, I am so petrified of my uncle, please? Well every since, I was about four, He has been abusing me, everytime my parents are out of town, witch they seem to be always, out of town and leaving me with him. I tried to tell them, what he dose to me but, they don't believe me so, here I am trying to avoid him.

I am seventeen now and have no friends, I'm not a talker so they don't try to be friends with me. I gave that up because of him. He told me that if, I ever told anyone, about what goes on, he will do worse to me. My parents only comes around when its a holiday or, my birthday. I don't even talk to them, anymore. They tried to get me help and take me to speech classes or a, counselor but, noun of them worked. All they told my parents was that, I will talk when i'm ready to and that they have to give me, some time. That was thirteen, years ago.

I get bullied at school for no reason. They call me the silence hoodie girl, or a freak for the way I am.

Well that's all about me, now to time to school and learn some things, even though, I am a straight A student, this is a new year so, new things to Lauren about. I am finally at the last year of this shit whole and I am ready for this year to be over so, I can be done with this school, just for the simple fact that, my bullies can't pick on me, emotionally, physically and mentally, anymore. I have no idea what there problem is with me, or why they pick on me. The only thing that I could come up with is, that time in sixth grade, I had started my period, for the first time and it came threw my pants and they all seen it so, from there they have been bulling me since.

When I get to school and start to walk in, I don't get to fare before someone bumps into me, knocking me down.

"Watch where your going, you freak". The most popular boy in school, said.

His name is Luke, he has short brown hair and his eyes are like a sea green, that can make you stair at them, for days. He's tall, skinny and has a little bit of a tan. He is the most popular boy, in this school who has been bullying me since the time, in sixth grade. while walking to class, all I hear is, aw that's gross, you need to go take care of that. I look back at whoever they was talking to and come to find out, it was me. I look down at my paints and see blood on them. I start running to the nurses office and she helped me out with that, little problem and now every since, he has been noun stop calling, me names.

"Hey! I am talking to you bitch". Luke said, while grabbing me by the collar.

I didn't say anything to him witch seemed to make him, angrier at me and punch me in the gut. I get up to try, to walk away but he caught me by the arm and I flinch away from him, not because he scares me but, he also reopened a cut that, my uncle had made with a piece of glass, last night.

"Oh! I forgot, you don't talk". He said, while grinning at me.

He let's go of me, then walks away like nothing ever happened so, I hurry up and go to the office, to get my class schedule, then had to first hour. When I walk into the classroom, I am the first one here so, I pick a set in the back row. I get out a notebook and a pencil to wright down, what we will be learning about.

I was sitting there for about an hour, is what it seems like but, in reality it was probably about ten minutes, when people started coming in... As I was sitting there not paying any attention, someone clears there throat, right beside me. I look up to see who it was and come face to face, with Luke.

"You want to move out of my spot?".
He said, while bending down, so we can be at, eye level.

I shake my head no at him letting him know that, I am not moving from this, spot. He gets mad after a while, realizing that I am not moving, from this set. He storms off but not before telling me that, I will pay for it later.

I hear the teacher come and start talking about, what we will be learning, I pick my pencil and start writing things off the board. I wright down what he has on the board. I feel something hit my head and fall on my desk.l, I pick it up to read what it says.

You will pay, for disobeying me.

I look around to see who it was from, when my eyes meets with, green ones. He is looking at me with so much hate that, I had to look away.

There you have it the first chapter, let me know what you think and if you like it, please leave a star.

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