Chapter 3.) Home

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I keep wondering what I have done, to people for them to hate me so much but, I come up with nothing.

As I get to my last class, I walk in and go straight for the middle sets so that, if Luke has a this class, he can have the back sets. I put my head down waiting for this class to start.

I was sitting there about to fall asleep waiting, for people to show up when I hear "is this set taken". I look up so fast I get, a little lightheaded from it but, who I see standing there had me scared and shocked. I shake my head at him so, he sits down and gets his things out.

During the whole class I felt him looking at me off and on. I ignore him the whole entire time until, he said somthing that gets my attention.

"Why don't you talk?" He said while Wrighting down everything on the board.

I finished Wrighting everyting down and ripe out a piece of paper to wright something down. I wright down to him. I haven't talked since I was four. He looks down at what I wrote then looks away while saying "why?". I can't but, I'm not talking about it. I wrote to him.

Right before he could respond to me, the bell rings, letting us now that we can go home now. I get up to rush out but, then forgot that, I had to head, to my third period and get the notes for that class... As I walk into the classroom, something stopped me. The teacher was making out with another teacher, on her desk.

I go to trun around when, she stopped me. "please don't tell anyone about this and here is your notes". She says to me while giving me the notes in her hand. I shake my head at her letting her letting her now that, I wouldn't tell anyone about what, I've seen.

I walk out to head home when I bump into to someone. I try to go around them but, they blocked me from going anywhere.

"Look up you bitch". He said while grabbing my face and lifting it up.

I look up at him. When out of nowhere, he hits me and I fall to the ground. Luke then grabs me to pull me outside of school and to his car. I shake my head at him but, he put me up against his car. He then starts kissing me and when I tried to push him off, he would get mad and punch me. He kept at it for a while until, he lets go of me and told me that "your mine and only mine. I can do whatever I want to, and say whatever I want, you here me?". I shake my head at him and he seems to be satisfied with that and let's go of me completely.

I walk home like, I do everyday but as soon, as I get to my block, there was a couple of people sitting outside there houses. I get closer to them and notice that it was just and old couple sitting outside, enjoying this beautiful weather. I wave to them and they wave back.

When I get to my house I notice my uncle's car is not in the driveway and I was glad for that so, I ran into the house and went straight to the icebox, to get something to eat. I go up to my room and drope my bags off and lay down on my bed. I pull out my phone to play a game while munching on my sandwich. I lay there for a while reading on wattpad until, I hear the front door slam open then shut, my eyes goes big and I know I'm in for it when he hollows, my name. I walk slowly down the stairs, to see what he wants but as soon, as I get to the last step, I am punched in the face. He keeps punching me over and over then he starts to kick me in the stomach, over and over again.

When he is done I am left there an a puddle of my blood. I get up to go clean myself up but, I'm in so much pain, I can't even move... as I slowly get up and finely make it to my feet. I get to my room, I go into my bathroom and get undressed. I trun the water on and make sure its warm before getting in.

I get out of the shower grab a towel and wrap it around me, when I know it want fall, I walk back into my room to get dressed... As I was putting my hair up, I hear the front door slam shut letting me know that my uncle is leaving, I walk over and sit on my bed thinking about that boy. He seems nice, but at the same time, not so nice. I wonder why he even tried to talk to me again, after what he did at lunch today. I fall sleep thinking about his face.

I awake to the sound of glass, smashing down stairs. I look to see what time is was and it is three thirty in the morning. I here him coming up the stairs and I pretend I'm a sleep... As I'm laying there, all I hear is my door being closed. I don't move just incase, he is still in the room. I slowly uncover my head but, that didn't go as planned because there he was standing there looking like, the devil himself, with evil eyes just staring at me. He must think that I am still sleeping because, he didn't move from his spot. He was just standing there watching me sleep, its creepy the way he's looking at me. He has some kinda glint in his eyes but, when I looked down to see why his hand was moving, It sickened me of what he was doing to himself. I could not for the life of me, go back to sleep after seeing what he was doing.

Well there you have it another chapter, I hope you liked it, if you did please push that star, or comment what you liked about this chapter.

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