Chapter 19.)You did what

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Blake's p.o.v.

I can not belive that I am going to be a dad but wait, I thought we used protection, well shit, I forgot about the time in the shower (Yelp thats what happens when you forget). I thought but now, I'm going to be a daddy and I don't know how, I feel about that yet. All I can think about is, if Luke ever finds out, he will kill my baby and possibly Rose to.

When I think about that it just angers me on how, he can control what she dose and how she dose things more then ever because, he thinks shes pregnant with his child.

He will pay hell if she losses, my baby from his abuse and her uncle.

We get outside to my car and I feel eyes on me so, I look around and see some girl starring at me, like a pice of eye candy. I get into my car, ingoring her.

"Do you know her?". I hear Rose say but, my mind is somewhere ealse right now.

"Blake! are you ok?". She said, getting my attion now.

"Yeah! I'm fine and no, I don't know if I know her, or not". I said, while pulling out of the parking space.

"Ok". She said, droping the subject.

She didn't seem mad at me, or anything so we just talked for a bit until, I had to bring something up but before, I'm about to say anything ealse. She says somthing to first.

"I think its best if, we don't see eachother anymore. I'm just scared that if, Luke finds out about our baby then, he will come for you two". She said, but all I can think about is, why?.

"What in the bloody hell are you talking about, staying away from eachother because of some idiot". I yelled at her but all she did was, flinch away from me.

"I don't know what you want from me, I'm trying to save your life, for crying out load". She yelled back.

"By what? hu, keeping me away from you and our baby?". I said.

"No! thats not what I want but, what if he comes after yo- ". She tried to say but I cute her off.

"I made a bet on you". I said, really fast like.

"You did what again?". She said with so much anger, that I wouldn't want to be the one, that did her worng when shes had enough but wait, I did to.

"I made a bet with Luke, on who can get your first and well, he cheated and I tried to call the bet off because, I'm in love with you. I didn't know what you was going threw and I feel like a fuck up about it all. I want blame you if you hate me for it". I said, but all I see is tears rolling down her face when, I looked up at her.

"All this time, I thought you cared but, you really never did, it was just some stupied fucking bet to you hu? I gave you a lart of me that, I would never give anyone eals". She said, with tears still rolling down, her beautiful face.

"Not all the time, Rose. I ended up falling in love with you, I thought you would be this some dume stupied girl that would fall for it but, your different". I said, with tears starting to come out off my eyes.

"Yeah! Because that makes it all better right?, playing with girls hearts like that". She said.

"Look! I'm sorry. I know sorrys don't count but, I truly am sorry". I said.

"Just take me back to the hell hole, I call home". She said, looking out the window.

I keep quite, not saying another word, we just found out that, she is have my baby and I had to ruin it.

I drop her off at home but not before, trying to make her stay with me. She was not having it and walked away.

When I back out of her drive way, I call my friends on group chat, just to tell them the good/bad news.

They told me congrats but then yelled at me, for braking her heart after finding out.

I get home about ten a clock because, all I can do is think about her and how she is feeling. She hates me now and I have nothing to blame but, myself.

When I walk threw the front door, my mom is sitting in the living room, watching some kind of movie. She sees me and stands up to walk over to me.

"Hey honey". She said, while hugging me.

"Hey". Thats all I could say.

"Whats wroung sweetie?". She asked me.

"Your going to be a grandmal but, the women of my child left me because, of what I did". I said, with tears in my eyes.

"What did you do so badly that would have caused her to leave?". She asked, crossing her arms.

"I made a stupid bet on her but then, found out what she is going threw and feel in love with her". I said, breaking down.

"Well! I'm disappointed in you mister for this but, seeing you like this breaks my heart". She said, hugging me.

"Why am I such a fuck up for?". I said, crying into her shoulders.

"Oh honey, your not a fuck up. People make mistake but then, they have to live with it". She said.

She lets go of me after a while so, I walk to my room and fall down on my bed until, I get a text from some random number.

                      ~Text massage~

~someone~ I know about the baby, I'm not going to kill it because, it will know that, I am his dad. Oh and if you ever come around her or my child again, I will not hesitate to kill her, or the child.

That son of a bitch thinks hes going tonget away with this, I don't fucking thinks so. Luke, I'm coming for you and my girl.

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