Chapter 4.) Please don't touch me

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trigger warning so please, if you don't, like self harm or anything sexual, please skip that part. I  will let you know, when it starts and ends.

I am getting ready for school when my phone dinged. Me thinking it just another notification, from one of my games... as I am doing my hair, I get another notification, so I thought, but when it starts to ring, I run over to see who is, calling me.

When I was done on the phone, I was in tears because, my parents was supposed to be back today but, they have another job to do so, they wont be able to make it home, for another month. 

I finish getting ready for school and look at the time on my phone. "Grate! if I don't leave now, I'll be late". I grab everything that, I needed and look out my door, to make sure my uncle is not up.

When I get to school. I go straight for my locker to put the books, that I won't needing, right now in and take out what I will need, in the mean time.

I walk threw the halls with my head down so that, I don't have to look at, anyone... As I'm about to walk inside the classroom, I feel a hand touch my ass.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that". Luke says while smirking at me.

I shake it off and don't think anything of it. I go find my set to sit down but, he comes up right behind me, just to tell me.

"Your ass looks good, in them blue Jeans". He says touching my ass again.

I grab my wight board and marker that I had bought from, the money my parents sends to me secretly and wright down. Please don't touch me. He laughs at me and goes to try again but, the teacher comes walking threw the door and tells us, to take our sets. He whispers to me right before, he goes and takes his set that, "this isn't over with". I get worried because I have no clue, what he wants from me or why, but I am not going to give him, anything.

The teacher is going on and on about something that, I don't even know anymore, my mind is on something else right now until, the teacher called on me.

"Rose! What is the equation, for this problem?" He says while looking at me.

I look at the board to see what the problem was and it was somthing about 4-3+10×7=. I quickly do the math problem in my head and come up with 71 so, that's what I wright down.

"Wow! That was fast for someone  that was not, paying attention to what, I was saying". He says while giving me a look, then says". stay after class, please?". He says, looking at me for an answer. I gave him a nod then he turns around, to finish explaining the rest of the problems.

When the bell ring I just stay in my sit knowing that, the teacher wanted to talk to me about something and when the last person leaves, he turns to me and asked something that, I can't tell.

"What's going on with you?". He says while sitting down in the next set to me.

I wright down nothing and he seems to not believe it but, drops it instead he says something that, catches me off guard.

"Get more sleep at night, okey?". He says while getting up.

I nod and go to walk out but, he stopes me.

"When your ready to tell me, I'm all ears". He says while looking away.

Trigger warning, please skip this part if you do not like, sexual assault or, selfharm.

I leave the classroom not feeling well after that... As I was walking in the halls, someone grabs me and pulls me into an empty classroom once again.

They start kissing me and I freak out shoving the person away. All I feel is a blow to the stomach and then they talk.

"Don't fucking shove me away, bitch".
Luke says while grabbing my ass and rubbing it. 

I try to get out of hold but he is to strong and I can't fight him off. He kept kissing and touching me in places that noone, should be touching me. He kept it going until, a teacher walks in. "Oh thank goodness because, if she had not walked in, he was going to take it further and I was not ready. He hurry's away from me and when the lights came on, he was hiding.

"What are you doing in here?". The teacher said.

I was shocked, scared and most of all relieved, that she had stoped him from doing anything else to me. I ran as fast, as I could until I'm outside of school. I kept running until, I get to my block when, I make to my house I'm so glad, that my uncle was not home.

When I get inside, I run to my bathroom and get out my razer blade, this is the only thing, that helps with everything. I cut two deep slashes on both of, my thighs and watch the blood run down the side's, of my legs. I sit there four about an hour, just crying. I get up to trun the water on, to take a shower. Once I was fully undressed, I step into the nice hot water that awaits, for me.

                    ~ End of trigger~

I use my favorite coconut shampoo to wash my hair, then the conditioner. I wash my body an my tropical mango body wash. "They smell so good". I thought.

After I'm threw with my shower I get out and wrap a towel around me then, go back into my room and get dressed an some soft, fluffy pajamas and get into bed after french-braiding my hair.

I get a woken by the sound of the front door, slamming shut. "Oh grate, here we go again". I thought as, I get ready for him to slam open, my door.

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