Chapter 9.)Falling

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Still Blake's p.o.v.

I am getting ready for school when my phone beeps so, I walk over to pick it up to see, what it was about and see a text from Rose. I opened it to see what she wanted.

~Text messages~

~Rose- hi.
~Me- hey! What's up?
~Rose- nothing! Being board.
~Me- same, you going to be at school?.
~Rose- yeah! I'm sorry I missed, for a while.
~ Me- why is that?

~Rose- I just haven't been feeling good.

I could tell she was not telling me the truth, just by how long it took her, to responds back.

~Me- okey!

~End of texts~

I finsh getting ready an some blue Jean's and a nice weight shirt. I style my hair to where it's kinda messy but not, to bad.

Rose and I have been doing good for about, a month now. She still kinda on the edge on certain things but, that's ok. She hasn't been in school for about a week though, I don't understand why.

I text the guys letting them know to be ready by the time, I get to there houses, or they will not be riding with me. They are still pissed at me for what I am doing but, they sorta understand, at the same time.

I pull up to Noles house first since it's not that fare from my house. Then pick up Jake... As I have all the guys with me, they start asking me if Rose, is going to be in school today. They know we talk everyday, well try to anyways unless she can't talk, or text me that day.

"You know, I like her man". Mason said, from the back seat.

"Yeah! She's beautiful to". Derick said, from the other side, of the back seat.

The other two say how they feel about her and it's making me pissed off to where, slam on my brakes to look at them.

"I fucking know, ok. She is kind, sweet, caring, scared of the world but, above all that, she is beautiful. I fucking get it ok but there is nothing, I can do to back out now because, I'm already in to deep, with this shit". I said, looking out the window.

"No man, you are falling for her, we all can see it and yes, you can back out of it, you just don't want to lose a bet". Mason said.

I start driving again not paying any attention to them anymore because, I know hes right about that, I just can't afford to lose, the bet.

When we pull to the school, I am the first one out of my car... As we was getting ready to walk in, I see Rose just now walking up to the school so, I hollow at her, but what I see makes me angry when she looks back at me and her face drops because, she knows what I'm looking at, before I could say anything, my Derick beats me to it.

"Who fucking did this to you?". He said an a pissed of tone.

She shakes her head not giving anything away. We see the bruises and the cuts on her every day and we ask her about them but, she will only tell us that, she's clumsy. Well today she can't say that, as for she has a busted lip, her eyes are black and blue and she has a cut, on the side of her face.

"No! You can't tell us nothing". I but in, before anyone else can.

She runs off not telling us anything, that just pisses, me off more.

"We need to find out why, she keeps coming up with different bruises or cuts, on her face". I said, while looking at my friends and they all look pissed off.

"Who would do this to her? and why?". Nole said.

"I don't know but, we need to find out, who and why". I said.

We walk to our class and all that keeps going threw my mind is, why would anyone want to hurt her?. She is to sweet, to be treated this way, from anyone. I get into the classroom and notice that Rose, is not here yet so, I wait for a minute before going, to look for her.

I didn't find her anywhere so, I walk back to class hoping she will be in later but, when she never showed up to class. I get nervous thinking maybe I did something ,to piss her off and she's avoiding me. I don't think nothing of it until, my friends say that, they haven't seen her all day, today... As we look everywhere inside and out, of the school, we have no luke on finding her. I get worried and think maybe she just went home, for the day but, when I try to call her it went straight to voice mail. I gave up about the fifth time and we all head to my buddy's house.

It was until we get to my friends house when, one of them said "hey wait! Maybe we can GPS her phone, to find out where she is". "That'a not a bad idea but there is one, problem with that, her phone is off", I tell them... As we keep racking out brains one where she could be, we finely say fuck it and gave up.

"We just need to give her some time". I said.

They agree with me so we just hang out for a bit longer until, My mother calls and tells me something that had me on my feet.

"What is it man". Mason said, standin up with me.

"My mom just told me that, some girl jumped off the cliff". I said, thinking the worse.

"Who would be dumb enough to jump off, a cliff?". Jake said, with an confused look.

I have a bad feeling who it might be but, I don't think anything of it and go back to talking to my friends until, The next day when, she never, showed up, for school.

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