Chapter 6.)Making the bet

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Blake's p.o.v.

I am sitting with my buddy's when she walks by. I watch as she gets harassed by the slut bags of this school. She looks so fragile and scared that, something inside of me is begging me to protect her, but I don't.

She is beautiful though but, I just don't understand why, she doesn't talk or, have any friends.

I can't believe we are partners in this romeo and juliet thing but, what gets me is why she would lie to that guy before, I even asked her to be partners. He seemed pissed off about it to, when I watched him walk away to find a different partner and when he did, he looked at me and gave me a go to hell look so, I had to ask if he was her boyfriend. She wrought down no and that made me happy for some reason.

"Okey! You want to be partners?. I said while looking at her.

Yes. She wrought down.

We spent the rest of the hour reading and answering the questions on the paper.

The bell rings singling that class is over so, she quickly wrought down, where do you want to work on reading and answering at. I tell her that we can work on it more tomorrow at the library, on free time. She wrights down an ok, then walks out.

I am about to leave when someone comes up from behind me and shoulder checks me. I look to see who it was and it was that guy that asked Rose, to be his partner and yes, I found out her name was Rose.

"What the hell is your problem mate?". I said getting pissed off.

"You! That's my fucking problem". He said while getting into my face.

"What did I do to you?". I asked getting back into his face.

"Your getting in the way of me and my girl". He said while looking around making sure noone was listening.

"What?". I said looking confused.

"You hard me". He said looking back at me.

"Okey! Look mate, she told me that you was not, her boyfriend". I said stepping back.

"Well she's not, but she will be so, stay the fuck out of my way". He said looking around, to make for sure no one, is around.

I get pissed off because for one, why would anyone care what he has to say, for two, dose she want to be with him to? Because from my point of view, she looks scared off him.

"Well mate, good luck". I said, then walked away.

I get to my friends who are waiting for me at the staircase, we always meat at, to spear some time before our next class but, when one of my pals says. "Who is that". I look behind me and it's him following me.

"What now?, mate". I say, feeling a little irritated.

"You like her, don't you?". He said, while crossing his arms.

"Like who?". Mason said, standing up.

"Rose". This guy said.

"Who the hell is Rose?". Derick said.

"She's the girl who is always quite and sticking to herself and wears hoodies all the time. She's a mute". He said.

"Okey! What dose that have to do, with our budy". Mason said, coming up to stand beside me.

"Your pale likes her, did he not tell you all about her?". This mate said and it's getting on my nerves.

"She's my partner for this romeo and juliet thing, we have to do in class". I said, butting in.

"Ookey". Mason said, while looking confused.

"It's nothing mate". I said.

"Yeah! It's nothing right, you are not trying to steal my girl?". This idot said.

"Listen ok, I don't have to time to fuck with you". I said, while getting pissed off.

"Okey! How about this then, we can make a bet". He said.

"A bet about what?". I said, sounding intrested.

"On who ever gets Rose first". He said, smirking at me.

"No man. Why would I make a bet?, with a guy I don't even now anything about, for one and on some girl I barely know?". I said, sounding a little angry.

"Well! My name is Luke for starters and how about this, if you make the bet with me, I'll give you two thousand dollars". He said, while looking me in the eyes.

"And if I don't win? What do I owe you?". I said, while crossing my arms.

"Well! I will have what's mine". He said.

"It's a no mate, I will never make a bet, on a girl". I said.

"Fine! Whatever man". He said, walking off.

"What the fuck was that all about?". Mason said, sounding pissed off.

"Oh! He got mad because, Rose turned him down and thinks that, I am trying to steal his girl but, now he wants to make a bet on her". I said.

"Why haven't you ever brought her name up, before to us". Derick said.

"I just started talking to her today". I said, feeling annoyed with them.

"I'm glad you didn't make that bet with him, mate". Mason said, sounding thankful.

"Yeah man, your a good guy". Derick said.

"I think you should reconsider it man. I mean you can use the money". Jake said.

"Of course you would jake, you ass hole". Mason said, but before anyone can responds, the bell rings.

We hurry to our next class and walk in. The teacher was not, pleased for us being late to her class. She seems like a nice teacher that would let this slide, one time. I walk to my set when, I notice Rose sitting with her head down so, I walk over to her and when she lifts her head up, I'm meat with bloodshot eyes like if, she has been crying.

"What's wrong?". I said, hoping she didn't hear, our conversation.

Its noun of your concern. She wrights down, then looks away from me.

"Hey! You can tell me". I said, with concern.

No! Just please leave me alone. She wrights down and that's when I get pissed off.

"Fine". I said, then walked away.

I set down in a different set and wonder why, she is being like this now. I mean we had a good conversation this morning but, its whatever, she wants to be like this that's fine, i,ll show her.

After class, I went to find that Luke guy and when I found him, I told him that.

"I'll make the bet with yeah". He smirks and says.

"It's a deal. We start Monday since it's a Firday". He said, then walks off.

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