Chapter 13.)Party

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people to come in so, we can get this hole remo and Juliet thing over with. We are going to be seeing, who is playing who.

People have been calling me more names then ever now. I hate it but, I'm used to it... As people start coming in threw the door there is one person that, sticks out to me.

When he walks over to me all, I can think about is how, he makes me feel inside that I can't help but, smile.

We have been hanging a lot more, here lately and I'm enjoying his company not only his but, his friends to they are super funny. They all was in shock when, I spoke to them for the first, time.

"Hey! How was your weekend?". He asked me, knowing that it did not, go well.

"I am better now". I said, sounding a little flirty not, meaning to.

"Well thats good but, hey there is this party tonight and I was wondering if, maybe you would love, to come with me?". He said.

"On a school night?". I said.

"Yeah". He said, sounding like, he didn't care.

"I'll think about it". I said as, the teacher just walked in.

She gose on taking names to see who is all here. When she called my name, I put my hand up, to let her know I'm here... As she had finshed with roll call, I feel something hit me in the head and it was, a note.


Your nothing but a, attention wanter that should've died. Nobody you not even Blake. The only reason he's hanging out with you is because, he feels sorry for you, your just crazy and dangerous to everyone so, do us all a faver and just stop trying to be on of us because, you will never be one of us.

By the time I was done reading it, I couldn't pay any attention to what, the teacher was saying. I had tears trying to fall down my face but, I'm holding them back.

"Whats wrong?, Rose". Blake said.

"Nothing! I'm fine". I say while trying, to listen to what, was going on.

I hide the note inside my folder so, he couldn't see it... As the teacher tells us who is playing witch, acter in Romeo and Juliet. I of course got the roll, of playing, juliet and Blake Romeo.

When everything was over and the bell ring, I get up and run out of the classroom before, anyone even had there things, ready.

I am about to walk into my next classroom when, I'm pulled back.

"What is wroung, with you?". Blake said.

"Nothing is wroung, just don't want to be, late". I said.

"Okey!". He said with an, confoused look.

He lets it go for now then walks away without, another word. I take that as a sign to finish walking, into the classroom. I find a set way in the back, so thats were, I'm going to sit at.

~skip to lunch~

I'm standing in the lunch line waiting to get, my food when someone comes up and dumps milk, all down me. I stand there for about a minute until, he says something.

"What in the bloody hell, was that for?". He yelled at her.

"Oh come on, its not like you have never thought about doing that to her your self". Mandy said.

"No! I have not because unlike you, I'm not that heartless". He said, while crossing his arms.

"Awe! Well we all know what you are doing anyways so, do you think I should tell her?". She said with smirk.

"Wwhat dose sshe mean, Blake?". I said, while trying not to brake.

"Nothing! I don't know what she is talking about, lets go". He said grabbing me and hurrying away.

"Okey?". I asked with a questioning voice.

"Lets get out of this school and go get you a dress for tonight, shall we". He said, dragging me out of the school.

When we get to his car he gose around to opens, the door for me. I get into his car and buckle my seatbelt. He gets in, then dose the same before starting, his car.

"What do you mean by getting, a dress for me tonight?, I never said that, I was going". I said.

"Please come with me?". He said.

"Fine! but you leave me hanging, I'm leaving". I said, looking out the window.

We get to our destination then find a parking spot. I am the first one out of the car so now, I'm waiting on him to get out... As we walk threw dress stores after dress stores. I finley find the dress that fits me perfectly, its a black, beautiful sleeveless dress.

"This is it". I said, while walking up to him.

"You look beautiful, in it". He said, leaning in, towards me.

He kissed me with so much passion that, I had to pull away before it went, to fare in here.

"Lets get out of here". He said, taking my hand and leading me to the cash register, to pay for my dress.

"Thank you, you didn't have to get me a dress". I said as we get into his car.

He pulls into his driveway then comes around and opens my door for me. I follow him up the steps, to his front door and into his house. When we get all the way in and he closes the door, he pushes me up against it and starts kissing me again.

We brake apert until he grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs, to his room. When I'm pushed onto his bed, is when I get kinda scared but, excited at the time. He gets on top of me then starts to kiss, down my neck all the way, to the top of, my pants line... As he was about to pull them off, I tens up a little so then, he stops to make sure im ok and to see, if I want this.

"Yes! Please". I said and so he did.

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