Chapter 11.)Fuck off dude

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Blake's p.o.v.

Rose has been out for about two weeks now. I don't think she wants to come wake up but, when she dose, I am never leaving her side.

I walk out of the room, to go down stairs, to get me something to eat and when I go back to her room, I see some older guy in there sitting in my spot. I stand there listening to what, he is saying to her.

"You should have died but, no look at your pathetic, attempt of trying. I am not happy about, the hospital bill going up either so, when you wake up, gusse what you get to do, find a way to pay it all". He said.

I walk in about, the time he was going to say more. He truned around so fast that, it looked like he had wipflash for a few seconds.

"Who the hell are you?". He said while stepping aside.

I thought about lieing at first but then, looked at him and said.

"I'm her friend". I said while, looking at her.

"Why would someone like you, will want to be friends, with someone like her?". He said with so much discuss, in his voice that, it pisses me off.

"Because maybe someone like her, needs friends to". I said with, so much hate.

"Awe! well then you should know that, she already has a boyfriend". He said, while crossing his arms and I new he was leing to me.

"Fuck off man, her and I are just friends". I said, while walking up to her bedside.

"Don't tell me to fuck off, little man". He said, getting intovmy face.

I laugh at him while lookikg down at rose. She looks so peaceful just laying there, her face even though its pile, it still is so pretty. Her long sandy blond hair spiraled out, behind her head just makes her even more, beautiful.

My thoughts get interrupted by his voice and it brings me back to reality.

"What did you just say". I said while, standing up.

"I said that if, I was you, I wouldn't waste my time, with this slut". He said, while looking at her with, a look that could kill.

"Why do you speak so badly, of your own niece like that?". I said, while trying to keep my cool.

"Oh! So you don't know about her and her boyfriend fucking, every other night?". He said with a smirk.

I knew not to believe him but, something inside of me is, telling me other wise.

"She is not like that". I said, now getting pissed off.

"Oh but she is, you think she is so innocent but, she's not". He said, walking out of the room.

I make my way to the door, just to make sure that, he was actually leaving. When I see him walk past, the nurses station thats when, I knew for sure that, he was indeed, leaving.

I walk into rose room to see her crying, wait when did she wake up oh well I'm just glad to see her Finley awake so, I slowly wall up to her then say.

"Rose! Why are you crying?". I said with, concern.

She looks up so fast at me that, the look on her face made me go up to her and hug her, close to me.

When she is calm down enough to were, she could wright down what, she wantes to say, I gave her a pen and a peace of paper. She wrights down.

He is lying please, believe me. I am not doing anything, with him, (not by choice, anyways) I thought. I am being forced to do things that, I wasn't ready for. Please don't believe him.

By the time she was done wrighing, she was in tears again.

"What do you mean, not by choice?, are you saying what?, I think you are?". I said, getting pissed.

All she could do was shake her head, that was it for me. I fucking lost it and started going off until, a nuruse comes in to see what was going on, it was the same nurse thatbtold me about her condition was but, couldn't tell me the other peart.


"I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you anything until, she was ok with it.

"WHO WAS IT?". I turned and yelled at rose.

"Sr! I don't think yelling at her is going to help, her out any. I mean look at what you are doing, to her". The nurse said.

I look back at rose to see her with her knees, up to her chest, shaking in fare. When in walk over to her, she flinched away from me shaking her head.

"I am not going to hurt you, my love". I said, slowly grabing her hand.

She looks at me with so much feer in her eyes that, it makes me wish that, I could take her pain away. Her poor wrist was in a blue cast and her ankle was in a white cast, hanging in the air.

"I'm sorry that, I scared you". I said, while hugging her.

The nurse comes over to check her over and to see how she was feeling, then left. When I knew that the nurse was away, from the door. I took that time to ask her.

"So who is doing it?". I said, looking her in the eyes.

When she doesn't do anything to try, to communicant, I knew she wasn't going to tell me.

We talk about other things when, she brings up something that caught, my attention. I shake my head yes because she was actually going, to open up to me.

My uncle has been abusing me ever since, I was four years old. He told me that if I ever told, anyone about it, he would do way worse, to me. I am telling you this because, I know that you can keep my seacret well at least, I hope you would.

"Well you can trust me with, anything. I am glade that, you are trusting me enough to tell me about your uncle but, where are your parents?, do they know about this?". I asked.

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