Chapter 18.)It can't be

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Rose's p.o.v.

Its been about a mounth since that happend and I've been getting sick alot, my uncle has been hitting me on other parts of my body only because, Luke told him that I might be pregnant with his child.

I am making myself a doctor's appointment today to get in to find out if, I am or not and it's scaring me to know if, I really am.

When I am getting ready to go I hear my phone going off so, I go over to pick it to see who is callingm me and it's Blake calling... As I anserw the phone I hear him saying something to one of his friends but when, I say hello he stops talking to whoever and says hello back.

                       ~On the phone~

~Blake~"Hey are you going to see a doctor about your sickness?".

~Me~"yeah! I'm getting ready now, why?". I said, sounding a little crenky.

~Blake~"I want to take you".

~Me~"yeah! Sure, that will be fine". I said, while putting my hair up an a messy bun.

~Blake~"okey! I will be there in a bout, twunty minutes.

I hang up the phone, to head down stairs but, Luke was here ( great). I thought to myself.

He comes up to me after noticeing that, I had come down stairs and puts his hand on my stomach. I shiver in discuss because, I really don't want to have, his child.

As I was goinf around him he had to stop me by saying.

"When is your doctors appointment?". He said, while turning around.

"I don't know. I haven't set one yet". I lied to him because, I really don't want him there.

"Well! Don't you think you need to make one soon?". He said sounding angry.

"Yeah" I will". I said, walking off.

When I walk outside to get wait for Blake, there was an little old lady walking her cute little puppy.

"Hi my dear". She said, while trying to keep her puppy from walking away from here and pulling her.

"Hello! How are you today?". I asked, while patting her puppy.

"Oh well, I'm qiute fine today. How are you?". She asked, while takeing my hand then saying. "your pregnant?."

"How do you know that?". I said, with shock in my voice.

(Oh no I am pregnant with his child no no). I thought to myself, starting to go into panic mood.

"Sweetie calm down, what your thinking is not true. Your baby is going to be, a miracle". She said, while letting go of my hand and hugging me.

"How do you know this?". I asked while wriping tears from my eyes.

"Well honey, I'm a psychic. I can read people by touching there hands". She said, with a little smile.

About that time I see Blake pulling up so, I had to tell her politely that, I had to go. She lets me go and walks off with her puppy but not before, I tell her Thank you and she tells me your welcome but, don't worrie to much.

On the way to the doctors. I tell Blake about what the women said to me and he was amazed about it... As we pull up to the place, I'm about to get out when Blake stops me.

"Whatever happends in here, just know that, I will be there for you". He siad, with sympathy.

All that I could was shake my head at him because, all I can think about is (wow! I can't belive I have to do this).

When I get inside all I see is, posters and pictures. I walk up to check in then, I did a bunch of paper work. After it all I go find a set and sit down... As my name was called, I couldn't help but, feel tears in my eyes.

They took me back and I had to sit on a table look a like thing and when the doctor comes in, I tell her eveything and she gives a sad look.

She take my blood me do a pee test then wait for it to come back so, she had me lay back on my back and left my shirt up then, puts some kind of jelly on my stomach. She rolls it around until she finds what she is looking for, them all I hear is "there's the little thing". I look over at the screen and see a little baby starting to grow more.

"We did this because of what you said we didn't wanted to see if anything are harmds inside of you and well, you see a baby starting to grow, witch means your are messering about three months along". She said but, I was in shock because, that would mean this baby isn't Lukes but, Blake's baby. (It can't be though, we used protection). I thought.

"But that would mean, the baby is mine?". Said, with a questioning tone.

"Yes! It would and this means that your due date is, April 1st". The doctor said, while giving me, The sonograms.

I am kinda relived that this baby is not Lukes but, I'm worried because if Luke finds out then, my life is over.

I gave the sonograms to Blake so he can put them at his house so, Luke will not find out about this.

She tells what we nees to know then walks out, but not before telling us when the next check up is on our baby.

I have somthing to tell Blake but that can wait until, we get into the car and we are all alone... As we was leaving the room to head out, I pass by a girl that knows, Luke. ( Just grate but wait, why is she here?) I thought while falling behind Blake. I catch up to Blake and he asked me why did I slow down for so I told him, then he said "it will be ok". While walking out of the building.

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