Chapter 15.)Why do you, do that

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Blake's P.o.v.

I am getting ready for the party when, my phone gose off.

~On the phone~

"Whats up man?" I said, to my budy.

"You on your way man?". Jake said.

"Yeah! I'm just know leaving". I said.

"Ok! see yeah when you get here, man".


~End of call~

I get to Rose's house and knock on the door but, there was no answer... as I'm walking back to my car, I see someone walking away from the window.

I get into my car and just sit there for about a minute, waiting on to see if anyone, comes out. Noone did so, I just drive off, the party is not that fare from here, so maybe she just walked there.

When I get to the party, it was already in full swing. There was people grinding on each other on one side of, the room and smoking in the next... As I'm walking pass them, I see one of my budys making out with a girl.

I walk around the hole house to see if Rose was here but, there is no sign of her here, anywhere. I go find the rest of my budys to ask them if, they have seen her but, they all tell me no.

As I'm about to leave, Mandy comes up to me, trying to grind on me so, I push her away from me.

"What the fuck, are you doing?".

"Oh come on baby, don't act like that". She slurred.

"Get the hell off me". I said, while pushing her away, slightly.

I go get some whisky and down it because now, I'm pussed off, why would she stand me up after, what we had done but wait, what if it was her uncle. Then I get a text on my phone so, I check it and its from her.

~Text messages~

~My Rose~ I'm sorry that, I couldn't make it.

~Me~ what happened?

~My Rose~ My uncle told me that, I couldn't leave the house on a school night.

~Me~ and you waited this long to tell me that?

~My Rose~ I'm really sorry, I feel sleep.

~Me~ I don't believe you, I'm coming over.

~My Rose~ No! Please.

~Me~ to late, have your window open.

~My Rose~ Fine.

~End of text~

I was pissed that she even tried to lie to me, about what is going on. I run out of there trying to hurry, to get to her because, I just know she's lieing to me. My budys try to ask me what's going on after they notice me running so, I tell them to just follow me.

We get to her house and what I see had my blood boiling. There was rose about to pass out from her uncle, beating on her. I pull him off of her and take him to the ground and was beatting the shit out of him until, my frinds pulled me off. I run to Rose after seeing her about to fall, I tell her that I have her and she passes out right in, my arms.

I get her picked up and run out the door with her, taking her to the hospital so, she could be looked over.

They look her over to check and see if she is still breathing, then told me that she will be fine but to keep an eye, on her over night.

We leave the hospital after she is realised and go to my house... As I get her into bed she finely wakes up.

"Hey! How are you feeling?". I asked her.

"I hurt all over". She said.

"I'll go get you something for the pain, okey?". I said, while standing up.

"When did you come over?" I hard her say, as I was walking out.

I stop long enough to tell her "just before you passed out". I didn't want to tell her all of it.

As I'm walking down the stairs, Jake asked me how Rose was doing so, I tould him and went, to get some meds.

I go back up to Rose to see her crying so, I walk over to her and see if she was ok. When she told me yes, I knew she was lieing to me again.

"Why do you, do thay for?". I asked her, sounding a little anoyed.

"Do what?". She asked, confused.

"Say that your fine or, that your okey, when I know your not". I said.

"I don't know. Maybe its because, I am so used, to not haveing anyone care for me". She said, sounding like she is going to cry again.

"Well! I care. I care so much that, that I wish, never mind". I said.

I don't want to hurt her anymore, tonight so, I let it go but she didn't want to.

"That you wish what?". She asked, sounding cerouse.

"Its nothing, can we please just drop it". I aksed.

"Fine". She said, while lying back down on my bed so, I clime in with her and lay beside her.

She comes closer to me putting her but, on me and was moving it. I couldn't take it anymore so, I roll her over and kissed her until we was both in, nothing.

The next morring when I woke up, she was not in bed with me so, I get up and run down stairs and there she was sitting in the kichten, talking to my friends. I walk over to her and gave her a kiss on the lips, all I here is Wiesel's coming from, my friends.

I go get me some cereal, then go back and ask her if she was hungry. When she told me a little, I gave her my bowl and went to make me another one.

As we was finishing up with our brakefest, she told me that she needed, to go back home soon. I asked her for what reason and all she said was. "To get my things". And that made me happy.

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