Chapter 23.)Where is she

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Blake's p.o.v.

I have been going out of my mind trying to find her, that sick fuck is going to die. He thinks he's smart by sending me video's of everything, he is doing to my Rose.

I keep trying to look in the back grounds of every video to see if, I can get any clues but all I, am coming with is, nothing.

My head is a mess and all I keep thinking about is if my baby is ok, I swear when I find her, i'm going to brake his jawl and never think twice, of it.

When I was in the middle going threw things, my phone starts ringing so I go check it out. I pick it up to see who it was and when the number said unknown, I quickly answer it.

~On the phone~

"Hello". I said, waiting for the person to speak.

"You better come pick her up, she's looking a little, what's the word, oh yeah, dead". He said while, chuckling.

"I swear, when I find you, I am going to kill you". I said, while getting a text on my phone, its the address.

I get going while texting my buddy's to meat, me wear Rose is. On my way there I almost get stoped by cops because of how, fast I'm going... As I am pulling up to the house, I look around to make sure, there was no one going to try, to jump me. When I knew there was no one out side, (thats my que to keep going.) I thought. Just as I was heading up to the house, I hear cares pulling in and lots of them.

"Is this where she is man?". Jake said, while running up the stairs.

"This is where he said she is". I said, while opening the door.

"I've got our men, going out back to look around". He said.

"Thanks mate". I said, walking threw, looks be, living room.

We go threw every room trying to find her but, she's not here.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?". I yelled until, I see one door that has not, been opened.

I run to it hopping she is in there but when, we get to the door it was locked, so I kick it in.

"Dude! She dosen't look to be, breathing". He said and I lost it.

When I get to her side, I fell to my knees and hold her head in my lap.

~Play song~

"Please stay with me, Someone fucking call nine one one". I said, while holding her in my arms saying, please don't leave me".

I hold her until the ambulance gets here and they take her away on the strachter... As I'm running with them to put her in. I can't let her go, they tell me that, I have to let go of her but, I can't.

"Please be ok, I'll meet you there". I tell the ambulance people while they are checking to see if they can find a heart beat.

"She's still alive, but bearly hanging on, we need to go now". The women said.

"Wait about about our baby". I said, before they close the doors.

"I'm sorry but, we need to go before we lose her, for good". The women said, while closing the doors.

I head my car so that I can follow them but, all that keeps going threw my head is, just I'm going to kill him if anything is wrong with my baby, I'm all ready going to hurt him if, Rose dies but I will kill him, if I lose them both... As I'm driving behind them, all I can do is cry.

(I can't lose them, I hope she holds on because, I love her and our baby). I thought as I'm watching them work on her.

We get to the hospital and I run up to the ambulance waiting for them to bring her out. They bring her out and I grab her hand to let her know that, I'm here.

"We are losing them, come on people". The women said, while trying to get people to move out of the way.

(She said them, that means, my baby is still alive). I thought.

"Yes! Your baby is still alive but, I don't know how, She's a tough one". She tells me looking at me. (gusse she saw the look on my face). I thought to myself.

They take her to the back as I am yelling, please come back, please baby, I need you... As the women said, we lost her. I couldn't stand after hearing what, she said.

I fall to my knees crying, as I'm screaming for her to come back to me.

As I'm still on my knees crying, one of my budys comes up to me to try, to comfort me but, I just push him off of me.

"I fucking lost her mate, I fucking lost her". I cry out.

He gives me a look like what do you mean.

"No! No she can't be gone. She's like a fucking sister to me". Jake said, while pasting back and forth trying to hold himself together.

Mason and them comes running up to use to find out whats going on and when I told them, they all just got quite.

"I am so sorry man, we will find him and kill him". Mason said, while standing there looking lost in thought.

"You are damn right, we will". Jake said.

"It can't be true, I can't lose her. She fucking world and I fucked up. I fucked up, this is all my fucking fault". I said, while getting up and throwing a chair at the wall.

"This is not, your fualt. He would have done this to her, no matter what". Mason said, getting angry'er.

"If I hadn't made that bet, all of this wouldn't of, happened". I said.

"You're wroung man". He said.

We go silence after that and wait for anything, to happen.

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